Wednesday 25 November 2015

Miracles of Spring - Nesting birds

In our backyard doves and willy wagtails are busy nesting. 
I had hung a couple of coir baskets on the lemon/mandarin tree when I saw the rickety nests the doves build and they seem to have adopted "our nest".
The other day my husband noticed a tail hanging out of one basket, and when the bird wasn't there he climbed up a ladder to take a photo for me and I was thrilled to see 2 tiny eggs.

Mother or Father Dove on the fence

Tail peeking from the nest

2 little eggs in the nest

I had already showed you the perfectly round nest that the willy wagtail had built in the other lemon tree. The other day I saw the mother bird incubating her egg and quickly ran inside to grab my camera.
She doesn't like us to get close to the tree, as soon as pick lemons fallen on the ground she leaves her nest and starts flying around making angry shrieking noises until we leave the area. Sometimes another bird, presumably the father sits on the fence making the same angry noises. Very cute, defending their nest!

Wagtail sitting on  her nest on top of the egg
Wagtail on the roof

From my dirty kitchen window I took a photo of this honeysucker eating pollen from the Kangaroo paw plant.
(I used my mobile to take a photo as I didn't want to move as the bird might fly if he noticed movement, which he did once I returned with the camera - hence it's not a great photo!)

Honeysucker on kangaroo paw plant


  1. Just loved reading about the sweetness of these birds! And seeing the nests they lovingly build and protect. You are fortunate to have lemon trees. It's too cold here in northern Michigan in the US. I always envy people who can grow them!

    1. Thanks J, I wish I had more time to watch the birds, they are so cute.
      Yes, I have 2 lemon trees in my garden. Lots of older houses seem to have them in their gardens.

  2. Oh how cute the two little eggs are Sami, hope they make it all the way through to hatching etc. We are lucky to have so many birds that visit suburban gardens. Gosh you were lucky to catch the honey-eater at all, they are so quick, I haven't been able to snap one yet :)

    1. I wish I knew when they were hatching, would love to see the tiny birds! We are lucky to have so many birds visit our gardens, so cute! I have seen the honey eaters a few times but never have the camera on hand, maybe next time I'll get a better photo.

  3. You soon have a kindergarten there, I guess :-)
    Awww, the wagtail really is cute - as is the kangaroo paw plant!

    1. A bird kindergarten, lol. Just today I went for coffee with a friend by the river and there were loads of wagtails coming close to the people, so obviously there they used to them and don't fear the people. No camera with me though...

  4. What a sweet photo's of all the birds making nests for the offspring.

    1. Thanks Marianne, I love having the birds around the garden.

  5. I really like it that you have shown us so many birds and their nests. Great sleuthing!


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