Monday, 26 October 2020

Monday Mural - Paint Subi 2

If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you. Just follow the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you find murals everywhere. 

Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters.  Looking forward to your mural finds posted this week.   
Monday mural meme is posted at 12,01am Monday, Western Australian time. Thanks, Sami. 

Continuing my Mural walking tour during Open House Perth 2017 -  on Saturday, the 11th November 2017, our next stop was in front of a huge and very colourful mural being painted by Spanish artist Okuda San Miguel.

Covering two four-storey walls of an apartment building backing Forrest Square car park (Dennis Street, Subiaco) the vibrant mural represents native Australian flora and fauna using a lot of geometric shapes. This was apparently quite a small project for the artist, as his murals are usually painted on buildings 10 to 20 floors high.

I got to chat to the artist and another artist friend of his, in PortuƱol/Portunhol šŸ¤£(mix of Spanish and Portuguese), and they told me they would paint from 7am to lunchtime, then go and have lunch at one of Perth's beaches and return to work from around 4 to 7pm, to beat the heat and to enjoy our fabulous beaches too.  

They loved what they had seen of Perth, the city, the people, the beaches... and told me I was so lucky to live here. Which of course I am!



The artist and friend just before I approached them for a chat

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Monday, 19 October 2020

Monday Mural - Paint Subi 1

If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you; 

just follow the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you find murals everywhere.  
Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters.  Looking forward to your mural finds posted this week.   Monday mural meme is posted at 12,01am Monday, Western Australian time. Thanks, Sami. 

Again, while going through old photo murals I found murals I had photographed in November 2017 in Subiaco, an inner city suburb, and never posted.   

I had mentioned the Paint Subi project that was held on the 11th and 12th of November 2017, in my post about Open House Perth 2017, but never posted the individual murals.

On Saturday 11th November I had joined the Mural Walk, and most of the local and international artists were still busy painting their murals for the week long "Paint Subi" project supported by Form WA.

The first mural we visited was at 15 Railway Road, and was painted by Sioux Tempest, a Perth artist who has painted a few murals around our city.

The next mural was on nearby Rokeby Road, painted by Dominican born American artist Evoca, on the walls of the Australian Post building in Rokeby Road. Boy on the red bike,  shows a young postal worker on a bike delivering parcels alongside a black swan - the official state symbol of Western Australia.


Next week I'll show a few other murals from Paint for Subi.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Signs - The hard week

Sign seen outside Cuckoo Callay, a Coffee shop in Sydney (they have a branch in Newtown and a more recent one in Surry Hills).
And don't you just agree with the sign? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
For other signs from around the world visit Tom's blog.

Monday, 12 October 2020

Monday Mural - Subiaco Murals

If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you; 

just follow the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you find murals everywhere.  
Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters.  Looking forward to your mural finds posted this week.   Monday mural meme is posted at 12,01am Monday, Western Australian time. Thanks, Sami. 

Going through photo files from 2018, and I came across quite a few murals I hadn't yet posted, all taken in Subiaco, an inner city suburb just 3km west of the Perth Central Business District.. 
The following two were painted by artist Stormie Mills, who was born in Wales but has lived in Perth since the age of 3. He always paints these weird looking people.

This "Footsie monster" unfortunately has no artist name.

And the electrical box on one of the street corners was painted green with lots of different Cactuses.

Other murals by Stormie Mills:

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Signs - Margaret River

Signs seen in Margaret River (town south of Perth).

 For other signs from around the world visit Tom's blog.

                                               Ed Scissorhands Hairdresser

You can't buy happiness, but you can BUY LOCAL

                                              And a couple of Margaret River wines

Monday, 5 October 2020

Monday Mural - The bird and the Fish

These photos were taken in December 2019, when we spent a few days in Margaret River, a much loved holiday town 3h south of Perth.

On one of the towns intersections stood two of these boxes, not sure if they are water or electrical stations, and I don't know who painted them either, but they caught my eye!

If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you; 

just follow the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you find murals everywhere.  
Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters.  Looking forward to your mural finds posted this week.   Monday mural meme is posted at 12,01am Monday, Western Australian time. Thanks, Sami. 

Thursday, 1 October 2020

September Wrap-Up

My husband celebrated his birthday on the 5th. This year we didn't do anything special to celebrate, I baked him a simple cheesecake and we went out to dinner with another couple who we've know for 36 years.

The cats celebrated their 13th birthday on the 17th. Fluffy seems to be going deaf, Twiggy has arthritis and limps when she jumps out of bed after her long naps and Shelley who has always been overweight seems to be the healthiest at the moment.

Shelley, Fluffy and Twiggy

    One of doves that visit our backyard nested in our Bottlebrush tree. A couple of weeks ago two babies hatched, and just today after a few days of climbing around some of the branches, they have taken their first flight.  Mother Dove still eats the bird seed we put in the feeder, so hopefully the babies will follow suit.

    I finished painting a table and chairs for a lady I met via my suburb's "Buy Nothing FB group", and she was thrilled with the result. Her room seems so much brighter now. 

She eventually would like me to paint the rest of her dining room furniture. She has now bought fabric to reupholster the chairs, and I've offered to help her with it.

The bedside tables I bought on Marketplace at the end of last month were painted in pink and sold the day after I finished them.

And this is what the bedside tables and table and chairs looked like... What do you think?


I managed to score a lino floor for free on FB Marketplace, and now I have a "wood-like floor" to stage my pieces before advertising them for sale.

The wood like free lino to stage the furniture

Mid month I took the train into the city to meet up with two ex-colleagues.  We walked around Perth's Cultural Centre and to take a peek into the new WA Museum Boola Bardip, which is reopening to the public on the 21st November after 4 years of renovations and building.

  In the area there is a Community Garden, which is very well looked after, with lots of herbs, some veggies, fruit and being Spring some wildflowers.

Community garden

Plenty of colour in the city - an orange racing car, a piano covered in Aboriginal art, the colourful pavements leading to the Technical college, a pink food caravan and a rainbow    table and seat.    


We had a simple lunch at Yagan Square and the three of us caught the train home.

Yagan Square

   On the 27th, the Western Australian Portuguese Australian Women's Association hosted a High-Tea event for women only at the Scarborough Life Saving Club in the suburb of Scarborough.

The event sold out in the first or second week it was advertised, and it was attended by 77 ladies, and we had a couple of guest speakers - a Portuguese psychologist who talked about Mental Health issues and Domestic Violence and we had a young lady who talked about her personal story about suffering emotional abuse and how she got out of the relationship.

We had a door prize and sold raffles for a few goodies donated to the Association.

The day before the event, while some of the Committee members set up the room and decorated the tables, I was in my kitchen making mini-sandwiches, using 9 loaves of bread.

By golly, I had no idea of the amount of hours I would be spending making sandwiches for that crowd... but I will remember it for the next events and ask that the work be more fairly shared.

Anyway the event was a success and so was the food - far too many mini-cakes, sandwiches and quiches. 

At the end of the event, a lot of people helped us clean up the hall, wash dishes, etc and the left over food was taken home by the Committee members.

When we locked up the sun was setting over Scarborough Beach.

Hope you all had a great month too šŸ‘©.

Participating in Feline Friday and Saturday Critters.