Sunday 20 December 2015

Christmas in the City

I've had very good intentions to post about our recent trip down South but with visiting family at home, Christmas shopping, sightseeing, plus everyone wanting to use the computer, I've hardly had time to sit down and write some posts! So it will have to wait until the new year!

In the meantime, we went into the city Friday evening (18th) to have a look at the Christmas lights and the delightful light show in the GPO building in Forrest Square.
Hope you enjoy them as much as we did.

In the meantime if I don't get time to post before Christmas I wish you all a wonderful time with your family and friends. May you have a blessed Christmas!

One of the sides of the GPO building in Forrest Square

Today we all went into a shopping centre to buy a few gifts and Father Christmas was available for some photos. So we all posed with him for a bit of fun.

Santa and I having a laugh.

Sunday 6 December 2015

Monday Mural - Border Crossing

I found this mural in a carpark in Northbridge near the Chinese quarter. It was painted by Fremantle artist Audrey Fernandes-Satar in 2012 and commissioned by the "City of Perth council". 
It's entitled "Border Crossing" and between the horse's legs there's lines of poetry.

To see more murals from around the world follow this link.

I also saw an Australian white Ibis while I was taking these photos, which I had never seen in Perth before. I had seen them in Sydney though...

 I'm back from my short holiday with my Parents and will be posting shortly about our visit to Denmark (in Western Australia, not Europe!), Margaret River, etc.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Update on the Wagtails

Remember my post about the nests in our lemon trees? There's now an update, 
Two or three little birdies have been born.
Here you can see their little necks craning out for some food. We see the parents flying in and out and feeding them. It's so cute!

All the photos were taken by my Dad.


I'll be away for about 2 weeks enjoying a short break in the WA South West with my parents who are visiting from Portugal.
See you soon.