Monday 30 September 2019

Monday Mural -Abstract murals in Victoria Park

A couple of weeks ago, on the way to Office Warehouse where I drop the used ink cartridges from work, I came across two murals and stopped to take photos. 
They are  both located in the suburb of Victoria Park, an inner south Eastern suburb located 10 minutes from Perth's city centre, and a neighbouring suburb of Como, where I work.

The first mural was painted in May this year by Perth artist Sioux Tempestt, her biggest mural to date, measuring 21 x 4,5mt (68,90x 14,80ft), and adorns a formerly blank wall of a car yard facing Isaia Corner Nature reserve.
It was commissioned by the Town of Victoria Park for Arts Season 2019.

The second one was painted at the Victoria Park Community Centre, also for Arts Season 2019 and was painted by Fremantle emerging artist Bruno Booth.

If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you; 
just follow the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you find murals everywhere.  
Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters.  Looking forward to your
mural finds posted this week.  

Monday mural meme is posted at 12,01am Monday, Western Australian time
Thanks, Sami. 

Saturday 28 September 2019

My August and September Wrap-Up

A bit behind on my August wrap up, but here it goes :)

We started the month of August by demolishing the shelves in our pantry, painting the small space and then buying narrow kitchen units from Ikea to gain more shelf space.
Two weeks later I met up with Grace at Ikea for a meal and an uplifting chat, and I took the opportunity to buy the drawer fronts for the drawers where I now keep the tins. The top drawer needs a larger front, so I'll have to return to Ikea some time. I've bought small handles, but these are still awaiting to be screwed in.
Everything has a place now and I now have a small counter separating the top and bottom shelving where I could keep big appliances so they don't clutter the kitchen bench.

Next door to us, the small old house that was sold a couple of months ago was demolished, and the block was cleared. A short while later the cement foundation was laid and was left to dry for a week or so. 

Jose started fixing up the walkway next to our driveway. The heavy cement pavers had been laid too far apart, were also on a slant and there were some weird pointy stones separating the driveway from the walkway.
We got some bricks similar to our driveway bricks from our suburb "Buy nothing group", the stones were removed, a lot of sand had to be removed, and the bricks and the cement pavers were laid level with the driveway. This back-breaking job took about 3 weeks, but the walkway is now ready and safe to use.
My job will now be to paint the cement pavers in dark grey. Jose's next job is to put new tiles on the small front porch, as the brown original tiles are slippery when wet.
(The photo on the left shows the big truck that brought the excavator that demolished the house next door).

Met up with my ex-colleague Jan for a coffee and to pick more Fusion Mineral paint at The Upcycled Barn in Port Kennedy, about 50km south of where I live.
I've been busy getting through the furniture stash in my garage, and at the moment have a few projects on the go.

The heavy side table that I bought for $10 is being painted in Ash (dark grey) and the areas like the drawers and top were sanded down to bare wood and will probably get an Ash wash.
The free magazine stand was painted in Seaside with stenciled flowers on the sides.

The $20 small chest of drawers has been sanded, handles removed and is ready for the paint job.

The old roll-top desk that I bought ages ago at one of the Op-shops for $50 was badly damaged on the bottom and it wood a bit of internet digging to discover I could use Builder's bog, instead of wood filler to cover all the damaged areas.
I started working on it in August and eventually finished it about two weeks ago.

After covered up all the damage with the bog, came the sanding, cleaning and paint. Jose had wanted this desk for himself and I painted it in Midnight Blue and left the roll top in wood just giving it a lick of Hemp oil to revive the wood. It's probably a bit too dark, and I would have preferred to put some colour paper covering the back, but Jose doesn't like all those frills.

In mid August I Started a 6 week French course - I had enrolled in Level 2, but due to not enough enrollments the course was to be postponed to the end of September, or there were other options of classes in the city. 
I called the college to see if they had parking available if I took the course in the city and was told yes. But then the lady convinced me to enroll in Level 3 in Manning, (where I was originally enrolled, just a 15 min drive from my house), which was starting the following week.
It's been a bit tough, a lot of Grammar, weekly homework too... I have no problem with the exercises and some of it feels quite intuitive if I think in Portuguese instead of thinking in English, but we do a lot of grammar and not enough conversation which was what I wanted to refresh my high school French.

The French lessons are held at the George Burnett Leisure Centre and when I arrived for one of the lessons I noticed they had a small "library" where you can drop and take books and I noticed a book called "Equador" an historical romance by the Miguel Sousa Tavares, a Portuguese writer, journalist and lawyer, the son of the much esteemed Portuguese writer and poet Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen who died in 2004.

I flipped through the book expecting to find the book in English but it was in Portuguese. Anyway I brought the book home to read it as soon as I finish reading "Madly, Truly, Guilty" by Lianne Moriarty.

The first of September was the start of Kings Park wildflower festival, but because it was a wet weekend we stayed home. On Sunday 8th, with a glorious 26C  day I convinced Jose to accompany me to Kings Park.

I went back to Kings Park on Friday 20th, at the invitation of my ex-colleagues Jan and Gill and we enjoyed a few hours walking around admiring the wildflowers and we even found a place in Kings Park that none of us had seen before - Naturescape, which I will show in a future post.

This Thursday 26th, I started Level 4 French for another 6 weeks and because the group dropped from 7 students to 4 we are having classes at the teacher's house, which is also in the suburb of Manning. 
The teacher said she would try and include about 15 min conversation in each class, so hopefully I'll improve conversation.

The reason for the French lessons which every year I think I should do, is because my daughter's parents in law and brother in law are coming over from Marseille to spend Christmas with us.
They probably speak as much English as I speak French, but I thought it would be nice to be able to communicate a bit better with them instead of relying on Karina or Thomas to do the translation.

Having started at the end of July, I still have one cushion to finish sewing for the patio furniture - I used piping around the turquoise cushions as I thought it would look more professional, but being my first time doing this it has taken a lot of time, and I eventually decided I would only do it on one side!

I have made 3 jars of lemon butter/curd with our lemons, made 3 jars of mulberry jam with mulberries collected from one of the "Buy Nothing group" participants, and finished the limoncello liqueur that had been marinating for about 1 month.

Jose planted a mulberry tree in our front garden, which was given to us by our green thumbed friend Tony. Not sure I will want all the mess they make ...
He also planted some veggies in our veggie boxes and we put up a net on the side as a sun screen so they don't get burned during this year's Summer.
And in our back garden the Spring flowers are blooming and the nasturtiums are taking over.

Next door construction has started. 
The exterior walls are up, windows and doors have been set and walls are now up to ceiling height. 
Jose and I walked around inside the other day and it's a massive with 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a study and open plan lounge/dining/kitchen and a double garage.

On Friday night, the 27th, we were invited to an outdoor picnic on the  South Perth foreshore right by the Swan river.
The other couple took pizza and we ordered "Nando's" grilled chicken. We got there close to 7pm and the temperature had dropped a bit (17C / 63F), so it was quite chilly to be out by the river, but we still had a great night. 
After dinner we drove to their nearby apartment for coffee.

Monday is a public holiday - Queen's birthday, and along with a couple other people that work at the Clinic, we've been invited to go to Rottnest island on Sunday on the boat of one of the Doctors. I hope to have a chance to see some quokkas.
You'll have to wait for the next post 😉😉to see what they look like.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Signs - Climate change

Organized by 16 year old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, the "Global Strike 4 Climate Change" took place on Friday 20th, with millions of people around the world taking to the streets to protest for stronger climate change action by their Governments.

In Australia more than 200 thousand people made their voices heard across 110 towns and cities, demanding a target of net zero carbon emissions and a transition to 100% renewable energy by 2030.

I thought this sign I spotted on the bumper of a car in Sydney sometime last year was just the right sign for today - "The climate is right for a change".

You can also read an article on Tom's blog -  "Time for John Pavlovitz" about Great and her climate action movement.

I certainly do my bit for recycling, I avoid plastics, recycle paper, metals, glass, give what I no longer need to my "Buy Nothing group" or if no one wants to then donate to one of the Charity stores, and I'm the only one who has undertaken to take the printer cartridges used at work to be recycled at Office Works, all my colleagues would just throw them in the bin!
I also bring the coffee pods that we use at work, open them, use the coffee in the garden and put the tin bit in the recycling, but I don't think I would participate in a protest, just not my thing, I worry too much about protests getting violent...  

And just like Iris mentions on her comments on Tom's blog (Time for John Pavlovitz), I too don't agree on kids not attending school on Friday - for Fridays for Future, also started by Greta Thunberg, for school children to join the regular climate change protests. Why not do them on Saturday or Sunday?

When I lived in Germany 30 years ago, it was already a very progressive country when it came to recycling with various bins for paper, tin or glass. Nowadays in Australia there is still a lack of recycling plants and due to that a lot of recycling material goes to landfill since China and other under-developed countries are no longer wanting to accept our rubbish.
I do think the Governments need to be reminded we are not happy with this, maybe protests are the way to do it, who knows?
Would you join climate change protests? 
Or do you think there are better ways to go about it, maybe voting for a party who is more geared towards doing something for the environment would be the way?

For other signs please go over to Tom's blog.

Monday 23 September 2019

Monday Mural - Pirate Life

I heard about this mural from Dr JS,  a doctor at the clinic where I work, as it was painted by her daughter's fiancé - the very talented Perth artist Jerome Davenport - aka Ketones6000,  in May this year at the Como Crafty Cellars bottlemart for Pirate Life Brewing a craft beer company from Adelaide, South Australia.

It's just 2 blocks from where I work, but because I never go that way I had no idea it was there.

If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you; 
just follow the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you find murals everywhere.  
Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters.  Looking forward to your 
mural finds posted this week.  

Monday mural meme is posted at 12,01am Monday, Western Australian time
Thanks, Sami. 

Friday 20 September 2019

On their 12th birthday

My cats, Fluffy, Twiggy and Shelley celebrated their 12th birthday on Tuesday 17th September. 
I can still remember the day both their mothers gave birth to 8 kittens (4 each) just outside my son's bedroom window. Because we had a few days of rain and cold nights, two days later I brought them inside and put them in a box with a blanket.

You can read how they were adopted by us here.

Linking to Sandee's blog for Feline Friday and Eileen's blog for Saturday Critters.

Just a couple of days after their birth
 And here is Fluffy, just a couple of weeks old and now:

And Twiggy a couple of weeks old and now:

And Shelley, a couple of weeks old and now:

Have a wonderful weekend 😉.

Wednesday 18 September 2019

Signs - WOOF

On Sunday 17th I joined my colleague Sue and her husband and her dog to the Shelley foreshore park for the Tails on the trail event, which included walks with dogs, best dressed dog parade, food trucks, kids play areas, dog bath vans, music, etc.
Of course the event wasn't just for dog owners, all were welcome. 

It was a fun day for young and old and for all the four legged woofs that participated and joined their owners at the park.
Sadly the choice of food vans was minimal which is not usually the case, but I heard the Council was charging a high fee for them to participate...

This was an event to celebrate 'dogs' and inspire the participants to celebrate a happy, healthy balanced life with their pets.
Best of all I found plenty of signs!

For other signs from around the world check Tom's blog.

The event mascot
The various tents where they sold doggie goodies, a cuddle booth, dog run area, the park with people relaxing in front of stage.  

I was amazed how well the dogs behaved, some of them were pretty cute light the little fellow below, and some were very adventurous going on the paddle board with their owners.

The best dressed dog was won by this true Ozzie dog and owner wearing the same shirt and hat 🤣. Had to stand behind the stage as there was a photographer on the front corner which blocked my view.

Monday 16 September 2019

Monday Mural - Wildflowers

Last Sunday on our return from Kings Park and our way way to go and eat a waffle, we drove through the suburb of South Perth just across the city on the other side of the Swan River.

Driving down towards the river on Mends Street I spotted a mural in a lane leading to a car park (16-20 Mends st).
Painted by Perth artist Joanna Brown, of Laeline Design, the mural was unveiled on the 10th August this year, as part of the "Connect South Perth" project, and depicts native flowers and succulents found in the area, like the kangaroo paw and the wattle, which are the State and the National floral emblem respectively.
The "Garden Suburb" theme encompasses both her murals in South Perth, 

If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you; just follow 
the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you find murals everywhere.  
Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters.  Looking forward to your 
mural finds posted this week.  

Monday mural meme is posted at 12,01am Monday, Western Australian time
Thanks, Sami. 

You can also see the Numbatwhich Grace showed on her blog recently, installed at the South Perth jetty, which is part of the same project to upgrade the South Perth foreshore.

Saturday 14 September 2019

Kings Park Spring Festival 2019

Following my previous "Signs" post, here are a few more photos taken on Sunday 8th of September at Kings Park  Wildflower festival.

Many people picnicked around the park, but the most coveted area would have been this chill out area under the colourful umbrellas. What do you think?

This crocheted canopy was put together using crocheted hoops contributed by volunteers.
Another beautiful idea for Spring.

All over the park there were placards of the crocheted hoops.
This young boy sported a watermelon hat, which I found very funny. Just the thing for Spring!

The bees were out in force feasting on the pollen of the wildflowers.

The floral clock always gets a Spring makeover with lots of wildflowers.

And I end this post with some of the magnificent vistas of the city from Kings Park.
Hope you enjoyed a taste of Spring and have a lovely weekend.
Top-the city from Kings Park. Bottom - the suburb of South Perth and the Narrows bridge that links the city to South Perth