Monday 28 April 2014

Street Art in Glenelg

I hope you had a Good Easter and hopefully you were lucky enough to enjoy a mini holiday.

I have just returned from a short Easter break in Adelaide, South Australia and while walking around in Glenelg, a seaside suburb 10km from the city centre, I was excited to came across this mural by Adelaide born street artist "Vans the Omega", one of the artists that recently participated in the Form street art in Perth.

Vans the Omega - mural in lane off Partridge Street, just before Jetty Road

A few other murals I saw in Glenelg lanes.

This one on the wall adjoining the Haigh"s chocolate shop in Jetty Road

 In the next posts I will bring you some more highlights from my visit to Adelaide>
Enjoy your week.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Street Art transforms Perth - Part 2

After the visit to Wolf Lane (see previous post) I went to see the pictures hanging in the Form gallery in Murray St, painted by some of the artists participating in the Street Art.

Picture on the right by Stormie Mills

Back on the street and another little side lane - Prince Lane - and more murals adorn the old brick warehouses.

The Lost Giant, by Stormie Mills
These next 3 photos represent the fashion of Kings Street and was painted by six West Australian artists -Leanne Bray, Denise Brown, Paul Caporn, Jae Criddle, Clare McFarlane and Stephen Genovese. 

Back in Murray street, (between Shafto and Prince Lanes)  seven Perth artists called Last Chance (Daek William, Kyle Hughes-Odgers, Sean Morris, Tim Rollins, Ryan Bosario, Ian Strange, Martin E. Wills, Jedda and "E.C.S".) collaborated on the paintings around the street level car park walls.

Work by Perth artist Stormie Mills

halfway through the mural by Last Chance

On right - colourful mural by "Vans the Omega" from Adelaide and Beastman from Sydney

Some artists still at work in the Murray St car park - by Gaia

And now we come to the main show pieces of this exhibition - at the end of the car park, behind a wire fence is this 6 storey high building with the main entrance in Wellington St. 
The works of Roa (Belgium) and Phlegm (UK) covered the side walls. Roa was still busy finishing his masterpiece when I photographed it on Sunday (13 April).

ROA on the left still at work atop a cherry picker and the work of Phlegm on the right
More detail on the scales of the snake
A mural done by PHLEGM

Part of the mural by Phlegm, to the left on the previous photo

The above 2 pasted interactive murals are by Jordan Seiler from the USA

Some of these artists probably started out as graffiti artists in their youth, defacing 
walls and trains, what most of us consider to be vandalism but they have now turned their lives around and now exhibit their work in walls all over the world.

Apparently it has been shown that this type of wall art deters graffiti tagging and protects property.

Hope you enjoyed the tour of the first street art project in Perth.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Street art transforms Perth - Part 1

Today (Sunday) I went into the city to check out the FORM Public art festival, which started on the 5th April and runs until today.
This is the first time this type of street art festival is held in Perth, and it included talks, music shows and food tents.

Building walls up to 10 storey high and some laneways in the CBD and in Northbridge were enlivened with "graffiti art" done by more than 40 national and international street artists like the renowned ROA (Belgium), Phlegm(UK), Stormie Mills  (Australia), Gaia (USA), Pixel Pancho (Italy), Jaz (Argentina), Kyle Hughes-Odgers  (Australia), Vans the Omega (Australia), Anya Brock, etc.

These murals will hopefully last for a while making our city more vibrant and energetic!

As I came up the escalators of the Perth Underground Station onto Murray Street I was greeted by a male chorus - Vocal Evolution. I stayed for a while listening to their melodic songs. Wonderful stuff, makes you feel good!

Around the corner in Forrest Chase Square a Butcher's competition was being held, with free meat tasting (cooked, not raw).

Meat tastings to vote for Best Butcher and donations to "Lifeline"
Superman made an appearance at this stall, not very visible but behind him there was a "green lady"

Well, it was time to walk around and see the Street Art!
Around the corner from the Underground train Station in William Street, I spotted some artworks in Globe Lane, that links to Forrest Chase behind the station (these two weren't part of the FORM project though, they have been here a few months already).

Globe Lane - 10 x 10mt work by Kyle Hughes-Odgers in 140 William st building
 Globe Lane - Phibbs - painted in Oct 2013 in 140 William St building.
By Argentinian  artist Hyuro
 done by Anya Brock - a Perth artist

Dolphin Fish, by Amok Island, a Dutch born artist living in Perth
Shrink, a Perth artist painting his mural on the walls of the
Secret garden Cafe

On the left, Telepathy, by Hurben from Perth
Artist - ELK, from Melbourne
Anya Brock (from Perth)
Mural by Martin E Wills, from Perth, in a garage off Wolf Lane

By Lucas Grogan from Melbourne

Maya Hayuk (USA)

Dragon by Alexis Diaz (Puerto Rico)

The  artist finishing her mural -  Argentinian Artist Hyuru

Some of the artworks at the end of Wolf Lane

In the next post there will be more photos from this street art exhibition.
I have read that street art, although a form of "graffiti" actually protects the walls from vandalism from "ugly graffiti".

Hope you had a wonderful Sunday! Once again we had a beautiful day with a high of 33C, a wonderful Autumn day! The forecast for the rest of the week is in the high 20's, reaching 31C again next Friday.

This "Wolf" on the corner of Wolf Lane Bar, was actually painted by Perth artist Hurben in July 2012.

Friday 4 April 2014

2014 Sculpture by the Sea - Part 2

Continuing our tour of the Sculptures at Cottesloe Beach, here are a few more photos, of some of the sculptures that I enjoyed seeing.

This next one called "Wave 1", by a WA artist, Annette Thas,  looked a bit like a soccer goal covered in thousands of Barbie dolls!    Yes, dolls,  I had to get up close to figure out what it was! A bit creepy I suppose but it won the People's Choice Prize of $2500, so it was a popular one. It also won the Kid's choice prize of course!

Another very popular exhibit and one of my favourites, was "Permanent Sunset" by Argentinian artist, Alejandro Propato. Made with yellow, orange and red nylon wire strung onto pipes, it was dedicated to the beautiful sunsets at Cottesloe Beach.

This was another of my favourites - also by a WA artist - Helen Seiver, called "Rescheduling Permanence" it was built out of wooden sticks and crocheted plastic bags, representing the impact of plastic bags on our oceans.
I had seen plastic bags being re-used but not this artistically, the flowers looked quite beautiful actually! 
Maybe an idea for a kid's cubby house in the garden? What do you think?

Details of plastic bag flowers
"Fetch" - a few mirrored dogs, by Melbourne duo The Winged Collective, was cute, 
I just thought that they were almost invisible in the sand, they might have been more visually attractive if they were on the grass, where the reflection could be seen.

Another  exhibit by a WA artist, Stella Onderwater - "Shelter 2" was made up of towels with names of famous Australian beaches.

Hope you enjoyed the sculpture show and I leave you with some shots of Cottesloe beach with lots of sculptures scattered all over the sand and grass.