Friday 4 April 2014

2014 Sculpture by the Sea - Part 2

Continuing our tour of the Sculptures at Cottesloe Beach, here are a few more photos, of some of the sculptures that I enjoyed seeing.

This next one called "Wave 1", by a WA artist, Annette Thas,  looked a bit like a soccer goal covered in thousands of Barbie dolls!    Yes, dolls,  I had to get up close to figure out what it was! A bit creepy I suppose but it won the People's Choice Prize of $2500, so it was a popular one. It also won the Kid's choice prize of course!

Another very popular exhibit and one of my favourites, was "Permanent Sunset" by Argentinian artist, Alejandro Propato. Made with yellow, orange and red nylon wire strung onto pipes, it was dedicated to the beautiful sunsets at Cottesloe Beach.

This was another of my favourites - also by a WA artist - Helen Seiver, called "Rescheduling Permanence" it was built out of wooden sticks and crocheted plastic bags, representing the impact of plastic bags on our oceans.
I had seen plastic bags being re-used but not this artistically, the flowers looked quite beautiful actually! 
Maybe an idea for a kid's cubby house in the garden? What do you think?

Details of plastic bag flowers
"Fetch" - a few mirrored dogs, by Melbourne duo The Winged Collective, was cute, 
I just thought that they were almost invisible in the sand, they might have been more visually attractive if they were on the grass, where the reflection could be seen.

Another  exhibit by a WA artist, Stella Onderwater - "Shelter 2" was made up of towels with names of famous Australian beaches.

Hope you enjoyed the sculpture show and I leave you with some shots of Cottesloe beach with lots of sculptures scattered all over the sand and grass.


  1. Até quando vão estar as esculturas na praia? É um evento muito interessante:)

    1. Ja terminou, foi de 7 a 24 Marco (o post anterior tinha mais esculturas), e uma exposicao anual sempre nessa altura.

  2. Wow, amazing art! The first one is a tad creepy, though. The dogs sure a re cleverly made and a permanent sunset is a nice idea, reminds me of "The Little Prince" who had to walk only a few steps to see a sunset on his planet when he was sad or full of yearning...

    1. Yes all those Barbie dolls are weird! I love the Permanent sunset, very colourful!

  3. A das Barbies é incrível! :-)

  4. :) Estranha, mas ao mesmo tempo chama a atencao.

  5. I also found the barbie doll sculpture a wee bit bizarre :) loved the permanent sunset and the cathedral arch.. super captures here Sami.

  6. What amazing sculptures! It must have been incredible to see that many sculptures ion the beach. What amazing and creative people :-)

    1. Yes, a lot of creative people that come up with amazing sculptures every year!

  7. Really nice sculptures!! My favourite were the first two and the "portuguese" rooster on the next post. I really enjoy this kind of art, that turns unthinkable materials into such nice pieces of art.

  8. Thanks Sara, the rooster really reminded me of the Portuguese rooster!

  9. Gostei muito, Sami. Obrigada por partilhar.
    Venho desejar-lhe também Votos de uma Feliz e Santa Páscoa junto dos seus.
    Tudo de bom!


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