Sunday 22 June 2014

Happy First Wedding Anniversary

On this day last year we were in Sydney celebrating our son's wedding.

It was a wet day, but as the Italians say "Sposa bagnata, sposa fortunata" - or "Wet bride, lucky bride" - so the rain is a good omen. 
Unfortunately due to the weather they didn't get to take the pictures on the beach, which was right next to the lovely reception room...

So a few months ago, some friends of ours, Cassie and Andrew, who are professional wedding photographers offered to do a "Rock your frock photo shoot" so they could have some lovely photos. 
Check some of the photos taken by Andrew of Michael and Sara in Fremantle:

These two photos taken by Andrew are my favourites! Aren't they so different from the usual wedding photos?
On my post about Mother's Day in Fremantle I have a couple of photos of the above mural, done by the Portuguese artist VHILS. It's a great mural and a wonderful background for wedding photos...

For their first wedding anniversary I offered them a canvas printed out with their first dance photo and added their first dance song to it (an idea I saw on Pintrest, where else?).
What do you think?

Happy First Wedding Anniversary!


  1. Gosh a year already Sami, how time flies! Absolutely love the settings for the two pics you showed here from Fremantle, tres original.. and fab idea for a first anniversary pressie, they will treasure it for always.

    1. Yes, a year has flown by! The settings were very original, nothing like the wedding photos of our time (at least my time) when everything was so formal.

  2. That sure is an awesome pressie! Maybe I should sign up at Pinterest, huh? And great pics, too, maybe even more special, taken a year later, no?

    1. Thanks Iris. Pintrest is quite addictive, there is always something interesting for me - crafts, recipes, decoration... I spend far too much time on the internet!!

  3. PARABENS MICHAEL E SARA, pelo primeiro aniversário! Ja vi as fotos e estão numa magnifica reportagem fotografica! Felicidades para o vosos futuro. Doces beijos <3

    1. Obrigada Bebe, participarei ao Michael e Sara...e ao fotografo tambem.

  4. Parabens pelo primeiro aniversario!! Adorei as fotos! Mas que belo trabalho!
    Hoje em dia em Portugal tambem ja se comecam a ver fotografos mais originais, mas ainda ha muitos casais que so tem as fotos tradicionais, que acabam por ser todas iguais.
    A ideia de colocar a letra da musica na foto tambem foi brilhante! Um presente para a vida e bem original.

    1. Obrigada Sara, tambem achei a ideia da letra na foto da primeira danca uma bela ideia!

  5. A wonderful occasion to celebrate. The proportions in that first shot make it the winner for me.

    1. Thanks for the visit Joe. I also love that first photo!

  6. Parabéns a ambos! Ou muito me engano ou é um trabalho do Alexandre Farto aka Vhils na primeira foto, certo? :-)

  7. Ola Jose, sim e um mural do Vhils em Fremantle.


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