Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Signs - Signs of the times 3

Another social distancing sign at one of the entrances to my local shopping centre.

And this banner still hanging outside the pub next to the shopping centre announced a St Patrick's day celebration, that probably didn't take place as social distancing measures took place around that time. There's always next year hopefully.

For other signs from around the world please pop over to Tom's blog.

Keep safe, keep your distance.


  1. I agree, let´s better not get together for now - but hopefully soon again!

    1. True, I would rather have isolation for a couple of weeks than a lot longer if people don't comply.

  2. So many things cancelled. So sad about it all.

    1. Fun has been cancelled, but we will have fun again in hopefully the near future. Thanks Andrew.

  3. Encurtaram a distância por meio metro. : ))

    1. Aqui e 1,5mt :) E temos montes de espaco, lol.

  4. I love the way they did these signage, people will get to gauge how far apart they should keep their distances from.

  5. Our distance is 2 meters. No St. Patrick's Day here either this year.

    1. That's interesting, we have a lot of land space, so wonder why 1,5. Thanks Jackie

  6. Dearest Sami,
    Yes, those signs are really of the present time...
    Let's hope we will see a far better next spring with all missed events coming up.

    1. Thanks Mariette, there are daily reminders on tv, radio, signs...
      Yes, let's hope it won't take too long until all our lives are back to normal.

  7. Our distance is 2 meters too and we had no St. Pstrick's Day either. :( Next year it will be different and hopefully this will be a memory.
    Enjoy your day, Sami!

    1. Thanks Bill. Not sure why our distance is different? I'm sure it will be back to normal soon and this will be something we will be reminded of on our facebook timelines next year, lol.

  8. ...Sami, we can all look towards happier times to come. My wife and just had a "driveway visit" with our son, he stands in the drive (about 20 feet away) and we stand in the doorway. We are looking to hugs! Take care Sami and thanks for stopping by.

    1. That is a sad sight but unfortunately for the best.
      I haven't hugged my grandkids since the 2nd of March, we just see them via video calls and I do miss them so much. Have a nice Easter.

  9. It seems like forever since I could buy toilet paper, Clorox, hand sanitizer and so many other things. I never celebrate St. Patrick's Day, but many do. Perhaps next year.

    Have a fabulous day, my friend. Be well. ♥

    1. Thanks Sandee. I don't think I've ever celebrated St Patrick's day either, since I'm not much of a drinker.
      We do get toilet paper once in a while, luckily I haven't needed it yet, hand sanitizer is just impossible to get, even thermometers, vitamin C... Stay safe and have a good Easter.

  10. These signs are pretty much everywhere now. This will be the new norm for a while yet, perhaps longer than we would like, but it is in the best interests of everyone. I wonder whether we will ultimately get back to the way we were. Will we still kiss and hug our friends when we meet, and even if we are comfortable with it, will they be? Only time will tell, I suppose. Stay well, Sami.

    1. Thanks David. I do miss hugs and kiss from family and friends, but I do wonder how long it will be until people feel comfortable with those behaviours. Have a good Easter.

  11. Agora é época de debelar esta maldita pandemia.
    Depois haverá tempo para festejos.

    1. Espero bem que rapidamente!
      Boa Pascoa Pedro.

  12. Novos tempos novas sinalizações.
    Um abraço e continuação de uma boa semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  13. Those signs we will always remember...

    1. Thanks Marianne, I think they will be in our minds for a long time!

  14. Yes I agree, this is not something we will ever forget. I still find it mind blowing that this has brought the whole world to a standstill! Enjoy your long weekend Sami, will be good for you to slow down a bit, I bet it's been a hectic time for you at work xox

    1. Thanks Grace,enjoy yes 4 days of relaxation will be great!

  15. Isn't it confusing who every country seems to be showing a different social distancing sign! Ours say I m apart here in our building (but we have to wear a mask at all times!)

    1. Strange indeed Wren. My daughter in the Philippines also days they have to wear a mask when going to the supermarket, and they have 1 day a week to go out, and only one person can leave the house.

  16. I haven't been anywhere since March 13, so if I ever do go out again, I suspect I'll be amazed at the signs OR lack of them. I'm glad people are taking this seriously, though. Not so much in my country thanks to the misinformation being put out by our president.

    1. You've been very good Elizabeth. I go from home to work and back home, and we are trying to shop every second week only if we need to top up anything.

  17. What a time we are living in. History in the making but not in a good way. Yet we record and hope that the future can learn from it.

    1. Let's see what the world will learn from this.
      Thanks S.C.

  18. Those signs for 'keep your distance' are everywhere here. And I say how can we keep away from each other when the store aisles are so narrow! Though I did hear that some stores are making the aisles one way only (like one way streets).
    My husband and I both have health problems that put us in the high risk category, so we always wear gloves and masks when we leave the house.
    Happy Easter!

    1. One way aisles are a good idea Lea. In supermarkets here there are limits to how people go inside at any one time, with someone with a counter at the entrance and one at the exit.

  19. Here in North Carolina, there are tape markers in the post office, and lots of signs and markers in supermarkets. The other thing that's done is mask wearing and gloves. Mostly, what I need to get from the grocery store has been fruit and sparkling water which I drink a lot of. You be safe, and sending lots of hugs and good wishes for a Hoppy Easter. RO

    1. Thanks RO. We have distance markers everywhere too. We aren't required to wear masks or gloves, only sick people wear those. Even at the clinic Drs only wear masks if they go outside to see someone who has a cough. Keep safe too.


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