Wednesday, 1 April 2020

SIGNS - Signs of the times 2

Seen in my local shopping centre when I went to the supermarket last week.
Besides the usual adverts that scroll through, there were a lot of adverts and advice related to the pandemic we are living through.

Some of the signs were just plain good advice for those who panicked and stock-piled a whole lot of articles from the supermarkets, fearing a months long lockdown.

Supermarkets have now introduced limits on certain items like milk, rice, flour, pasta, toilet paper, kitchen paper, paper serviettes,  hand sanitiser,  baby wipes, antibacterial wipes, tissues...
Depending on the time of day, I've also seen the meat section a bit bare, as well as the shelves of canned foods, and recently when looking for flour to make the sourdough bread I bake weekly I only managed to get a 500gr packet of it!  I hope everybody is baking lots of cakes and bread.

Now even the milk has been cut to 2 packets/bottle per person. And if you want to buy a cup of cream, you will have to leave 1 milk out. Crazy, as I think no one would drink cream, but who knows? The only milk still plentiful is the soy, almond or coconut long-life milk.
Luckily fresh fruit and vegetables are still plentiful, so we won't go hungry.

For other signs from around the world go to Tom's blog.

On this board - Miguel Maestre - a well known and very popular Spanish/Australian chef


  1. Gosh that is a lot of signage Sami, hopefully the panic buying has really slowed down now that people realise they aren't going to starve šŸ˜Š

    1. Hopefully Grace, and they don't need that much toilet paper either, and they will have toilet paper to last them 2 years,lol.

  2. Hi Sami,
    I haven't been inside any stores because of needing to be isolated, so these look interesting. I've been observing the signs that appear on places that are closed by the legal mandate for only essential businesses to remain open. Your signs are an interesting reflection of what's happening.

    be well... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. I try to limit shopping to the weekly essentials, but I still go to work at the Medical clinic.

  3. Lots of signs, and good reminders for sure. There are lots over this way too, and I was surprised to go into one supermarket to get some fruit, and found all the meat gone!(lol) Be safe and sending some arm length hugs, RO

  4. Oh, Sami, I wish this rule would apply always!
    Oh so often I took/take Ingo as a natural bariier to people who come near at the cash-out, thinking it goes faster when they´re in my back.
    Wow, you still get sanitisers, lucky you. Out since weeks here. Even normal meds cannot be produced as China is delivering most "ingredients" and can not as usual...

    Sad those signs are necessary!
    You hear nearly nothing but this subject in the news, too (other than "oh!" Soccer games are delayed - in the news!!!).
    Hope it all gets back to normal very soon.

    1. Golly, here plenty of news about the virus, what to do and not to do, the figures in every State, etc.
      Plenty of people stockpiling meds too, but it's illegal for the chemists to hand out more than 1 month's supply of prescription medication. But you can't find Vitamin C, Zinc, not even thermometers...

  5. ...for me the most important one is "spread kindness!" Thanks for sharing Sami, keep your distance and stay safe.

    1. Yes a great one Tom. I'm trying my best to stay safe, thanks.

  6. It's amazing. The one time I was at the store was the 16th of March. Since then, I will live on what I have here. Fruit and veggies were nearly non-existent. No potatoes, either. I'm a vegetarian, but I DO use what you probably call LIGHT CREAM, but I call 1/2 and 1/2 in my coffee. My stomach gets upset otherwise, since I drink coffee 24/7. Caffeine is my drug of choice.

    Love the signs. The one about the elderly is great and so is spread kindness. Take care, stay safe, because I know you work in a medical type clinic where the virus could run rampant. I guess this is how we will learn to live in the age of corona virus.

    1. Reading about the 1/2 and 1/2 it appears to be light cream. I usually buy the whipping cream which has more fat.
      And I still work at least 4 times a week at the clinic but there are barriers so patients don't get too close to the counter, we now have a perspex screen, there are a limited number of chairs and we actually ask patients to stay outside in the car park or in their car. Anyone who has a cough, cold, sore throat certainly gets seen outside. We have to try our best to minimize our chances of getting the virus. Thanks Elizabeth, keep safe too.

  7. We are all seeing those signs all over the place. Great advice.

    Have a fabulous day, Sami. ♥

  8. Lots of signs to tell us how to take care of ourselves. If only everyone had common sense we might not be in this pickle.
    Be safe

  9. It is the same here although some things like eggs are starting to reappear.

  10. I wish we would go to quantity rationing. The signs are terrific.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. So no rationing there I presume.

  11. Definitely are signs of the present times.
    Stay safe and well.

    All the best Jan

  12. Fairly quick of the mark with salient messages.

  13. Avisos da mais bƔsica cidadania.

  14. I think these kinds of signs have become pretty much universal, Sami. This pandemic has wormed its way into the very fabric of our lives. We have many months of restrictions on movement ahead of us, of that I am quite sure. Stay well down under. I had a trip planned to NSW and VIC for July, and I am hoping that I will still be able to make it, but it is looking more and more likely that it will have to be cancelled. Parks Victoria has already cancelled our reservations and returned money.

    1. Thanks David. I certainly hope that all will be back to normal by July, maybe you will be able to visit Australia again :)
      It's a very stressful period for all!

  15. The world is united in all this same behaviour now.

    1. Thanks Marianne. It will only work if we all do the same :)

  16. Dearest Sami,
    Yes, that hoarding has been awful, unbelievable how some people can 'change'...
    I'm feeling for the elderly and the weak of our society!
    May God protect his world and end this craziness soon.

    1. Thanks Mariette. I think it has calmed a bit and people are realizing they can still buy things and they don't need as much as they thought they would need, so hopefully there is enough for all.
      Some supermarket chains here introduced a shopping hour (from 7 to 8am) for the elderly and handicapped so they could find things they would otherwise not find later on, which is quite good.

  17. We've had similar shortages. It's tough, because I want to avoid going to the store unless absolutely necessary.

    1. I agree Linda, I would rather do 1 shop every 2 weeks or so, but the limits on certain products means we have to go more often.


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