Monday 29 October 2018

Monday Mural - Dubai Airport

Taken at Dubai Airport in April this year on our return to Perth from Budapest.

If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you; 
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  1. ...'Happy Dubai,' really? The woman blends right in.

  2. It's fun to see the different airports around the world. They are all different. Some are easy to get around in and other are most difficult.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. Thanks Mary, Dubai is huge and it probably has the best shopping area or maybe with the most bling...

  3. The motives of people who post murals differ so widely! Dubai airport seems such an exotic transfer point.

    best... mae at

    1. It is always our transfer point between Perth and Europe. I would like to one day book a couple of days in a hotel and visit the Dubai outside the airport.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks William, I specially like the patterns on the coloured mural.

  5. Dubai is an amazing place and the artwork is really good. While I say Dubai is amazing, I don't mean it is good.

    1. I've never been outside the airport Andrew, but have friends who visited and were impressed. Of course it's not a place I would like to live in...

  6. Thanks for showing us these murals.
    I liked Tom's comment! : ))

  7. Já lá passei várias vezes.
    Um Aeroporto extraordinário.
    Bjs, boa semana

    1. Tambem la passo todos os anos quando vamos a Europa, e realmente um aeroporto fabuloso.

  8. This mural seems a bit disjointed. I liked the colored abstract but got lost in the cartoon area. I agree with Tom on his comment, too. Could these be different murals or did I miss something (like Dubai)?

    1. They were basically side by side but too long to put in one photo Elizabeth. I agree they might have even been painted by different artists, the cartoon one seems like it was done by kids almost :)

  9. Oh, Sami.
    The first two murals I really did love. The fourth I had a close look and was really happy to see women showing their hair. I was looked at not nicely by local men there untill I put a cap on!
    And then... Tom just said the truth.
    OK, it is their country, and hence we should adapt - and I did a bit with that cap.
    But when I see women like the one in the last shot walking around here - and I too often do - I ask myself why don´t they adapt to our life-style, at least a little...
    Sorry I went into detail that much. But it bothers me.
    My nieces live in a village and I guess they´d freak out if they saw a woman (you never know who is underneath anyways) like that.
    And I wonder, too... do those women want to wear this? I read a book about one who had to. She described she cannot see much. And they drive cars like that over here!!!
    Sorry. That´s why we choose Singapore to Perth ;-) I´ll have a look if I find murals in that wee hour we´re there.

    1. I agree with you, if you move to another country then adapt, otherwise stay where you are! I have only once seen a woman fully covered like in the photo above, pushing a pram...and I felt sorry for the poor kid who couldn't even see the Mother behind all that. Oh well, it's hard to accept!

    2. Yes. What must those poor kids think what´s going on. We have two women in our direct neighbourhood walking proudly (?) around like this.
      It´s their mentality. They come, they want. But they do not give (here at last - many - maybe others do, I have not met one).

  10. I was thinking it was strange to see so many happy people waiting at an airport, and then I noticed the title of that piece! I like the way they have shown their importance for transit, and foreign tourists, but depicting people in all forms of dress.

  11. Yes it's happy dubaï for those who are in transit. I don't think this is the case for foreign workers who can't keep their passport and often are kind of slaves. But the mural is surprising, especially the first one.

    1. You're right, not a happy place for all. Even for travelers airports can be stressful places.

  12. These are very nice, amazing they painted all the walls there.

  13. It's like a walking art gallery Sami.. gosh I haven't been there for ages!

    1. Yes, walking art is a perfect description :)

  14. Confesso que fiquei surpreendido com estes murais, que respiram banda desenhada.
    (aqui o frio já chegou com a mudança da hora).
    Boa noite

    1. Obrigada Rui, sim mais parece uma banda desenhada :)
      Por aqui a Primavera ja se vai tornando quentinha.

  15. I like both of these. You could spend some time looking at the details on the second one! Thanks for hosting us!

    1. Thanks Pat, yes there is a lot to discover :)

  16. Sami, what a wonderful modern collection of murals! M y offering feels quite old fashioned by comparison.

    1. Thanks Carole, nice that you can contribute :)

  17. Nice murals! Thanks for hosting.

  18. Dearest Sami,
    Guess that was not around at the time we landed in Dubai for a layover on our way to Jakarta.
    Lovely mural.

    1. I can't remember seeing it the year before either, but the airport is huge so we could have been in another area altogether... Thanks Mariette.

  19. Thank you Sami for sharing these murals.

    All the best Jan


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