Monday, 16 December 2024

Monday Murals - In Maylands II

I love murals and street art. If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you.  Just follow the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you will find murals everywhere.  The "Monday Mural" meme goes live on Monday at 12,01AM, Perth,Western Australian time. Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters. Looking forward to your mural finds this week.

Thanks Sami 

More murals from the riverside suburb of Maylands, just northeast of the city centre.

On Greenslade Lane, at the back of Squires Real Estate -  a mural that pays tribute to famous names of the music industry, painted in 2016 by various artists. (Not the best likeness I think...)

Jimmy Hendrix painted by Shime

Jim Morrison painted by Amuck37 

Bob Marley

Behind some gates was this graffiti wall in the same lane as the above mural.

On Lyric Lane

This will be my last Monday Mural post for this year, as we are flying out on Friday to Doha, Qatar where we will spend Christmas with our daughter and son in law. The first Monday Mural in 2025 will be published on the 13th January.

Wishing all my readers a wonderful Christmas and New Year.


  1. Have a wonderful vacation and have fun during the holidays! Thanks for hosting. I am finding an amazing number of murals here in Trinidad and Tobago, and may have more to share when you resume the Monday Murals.
    best, mae at

    1. That's great Mae. My daughter tells me she will take me around to see lots of murals she's already discovered :)

  2. Wonderful murals. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  3. ...I love Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Bob Marley and of course the giant Christmas tree! Have a safe trip, Sami.

  4. Merci beaucoup pour ces magnifiques murals. Bonne fêtes de fin d'année et bon voyage

    1. Merci Kwarkito, j'espère la même chose pour vous.

  5. Merry Xmas and enjoy your overseas stay

  6. I like the theme if not the greatest art. It's interesting what (or who) artists choose to paint.... Happy Christmas to you. Have a fabulous trip. I will be curious as to whether Doha has street art. I'm guessing No, but a quick google showed some pretty spectacular public art by HUGE names! Look forward to your pics.

    1. Yes, the best likeness, but I suppose not all artists are great artists. Yes, a lot of murals around Doha, my daughter has already said we'll do an art walk :)

  7. They are very recognisable portraits to me.
    Have a terrific time away with family.

  8. I love the Jimi Hendrix and Morrison and Marley mural!!!!

  9. The murals are lovely characterisations!
    Happy holidays!

  10. Replies
    1. Obrigada Pedro, bom Natal e um melhor ano.

  11. I truly miss Freddie here!
    Oh. That´s a very different tree at MYER.
    Enjoy your Christmas-trip, dear Sami!

  12. I like the Christmas Tree and the murals too, even the graffiti wal has nice colours.
    Have a great holiday!

  13. Beautiful art portraits of Jimmy Hendrix , Jim Morrison, Bob Marley, Great clicks. Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday, Greetings.

  14. Wow, those murals are awesome! Can't wait to see what you find in Doha. Happy Holidays!

  15. Have a great holiday, Sami.

    1. Thank you Pat. Really looking forward to it!

  16. Delightful post! I hope your trip is fantastic. Happy holidays!!

  17. Buena colección de murales, son muy buenos todos.

  18. Wonderful murals - and have a fabulous Christmas and a Happy New Year in Doha!


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