Monday 1 July 2024

Monday Murals - Willie Wagtails

I love murals and street art. If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you.  Just follow the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you will find murals everywhere.  The "Monday Mural" meme goes live on Monday at 12,01AM, Perth,Western Australian time. Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters. Looking forward to your mural finds this week.

Thanks Sami 

This past week while working in our front garden a couple of Willie Wagtails (Rhipidura leucophrys) kept on showing up near us searching for bugs to eat, as they saw we were moving soil and rocks. They are so cute, always wagging their tail at speed (hence the name) and they would be just about 10-20cm away. 
So today's mural that I recently photographed shows wagtails 🐦.

At Waabiny Park, in Taree st, Bentley, two containers painted by Jordan Andreotta and Bentley local residents in February 2020.  
Jordan is a Perth award winning artist and a Visual arts teacher.
Waabiny Park (the Noongar word for ‘play’ or ‘playtime’  is a great park and forms part of the Bentley 360 project, a sustainable and affordable housing project that replaces the old Brownlie Towers. 

In recognition of the project’s outstanding social and recreation outcomes, Bentley 360 Waabiny Park received the Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) 2020 Landscape Architecture Award for Play Spaces.

In front of the containers was a map of the world and the word "hello" in various languages (probably languages of local residents).

It was the first time I had been to this park and it was fantastic, with plenty of game areas, bike paths, playground, etc.

And here is the wagtail:

My you-tube video of Jose feeding crickets to a wagtail