Wednesday 7 August 2019

Signs - Where will I meet you?

Sign from my local "Coffee Club", a cafe chain with branches across Australia and New Zealand.
Not being a coffee drinker, the only time I frequent the place is when I meet up with some work colleagues every couple of months, and then I'll order a Hot chocolate in Winter or an Iced Chocolate in Summer.
They also have a splendid choice of breakfasts.

For more signs from around the world follow this link.

The paper serviette had a great message too, which I totally agree with, as I think the modern selfie craze is ridiculous!


  1. The selfie craze is more than ridiculous. When I was in Hong Kong a couple of years ago I swear that selfie sticks were the most common accessory! The other thing I am not wild about is people in restaurants taking pictures of their meals.

    1. I can't stand people who are forever taking selfies, and specially if they post daily selfies on facebook!

    2. I am not on Facebook, so I can't really comment on that, but I think that for some blogging is an exercise in narcissism when every post contains pictures of themselves.

  2. I do love the serviette!
    I have a neighbour... oh, you would "love" him. "Me, me, me, selfie, selfie, selfie..."
    I´m, tempted to make a replica and hang in on the door! ;-)
    (But what a boring world it would be if we all were alike, no such serviettes, right...).

    1. A have a few facebook friends who post almost a daily selfie. How different can you look from one day to the other? Yes, glad we're not all the same, it would be boring :)

  3. It is exceedingly rare for me to take a selfie.

  4. Love both signs. Especially take a moment.

    Have a fabulous day, Sami. ♥

  5. Gosto bastante da mensagem da segunda imagem do post, que nos convida a saborear a vida. Como por exemplo estar sentado numa esplanada ou no interior de um café, junto a uma janela, a ver a vida a passar.
    (as selfies só servem para alimentar o ego:-) )
    Uma boa semana!

    1. Bem verdade :) Não sou nada adepta de selfies.

  6. Next week I will begin to host Sign2

    If you enjoy Signs please join Sing2. The link opens at 12:00 AM Eastern time each Wednesday and closes at 11:55 PM on Saturday. I hope to see you!

    1. Thanks Tom, looking forward to participating.

  7. Too Funny - Entertaining Play On Words


  8. Great napkin! Did you see that SIGNS2 meme is shutting down?! You should take that over too; you've done such a fine job with the murals! <3

    1. Thank you for thinking of me Cloudia. Tom is taking over.

  9. Com prazer marcaria um encontro aí com as minhas amigas.

  10. There's a Coffee Club at Whitfords also, I haven't been but it's always full, they must do something right ☺ the napkin sign is excellent.

  11. Gostei da mensagem - take a moment not a selfie

  12. Coffee is my lifeblood, Sami, so I would LOVE to go there with you and your friends. At least you have a way to fit in.

    Loved the serviette/napkin. Bleubeard has yet to learn how to take selfies and he's the only face you'll see on my blog! I prefer anonymity to notoriety.

    1. Come on over, would love to have a coffee with you Elizabeth 😊. I have a few photos of myself on my blog, but don't do selfies.

  13. These are great signs, Sami. Love the selfie napkin.

    1. Thanks Pat. The selfie napkin is fabulous!

  14. Dearest Sami,
    Well, I'm with you on that coffee drinking and only for breakfast I do have a small cup, European size, with coffee and some cocoa in it. That's it for the entire day and further only green tea.
    Looks like a nice chain though and I'm 100% with you on that ridiculous selfie culture. It is only about ME-ME-ME...
    Sad but a true fact and what will the next generation of those ME-ME'S look like?

    1. I agree Mariette, who knows what the next generations will be like, but certainly too self-centred :( Have a lovely Sunday.

  15. I don't do selfies.
    I liked the words on the serviette.

    All the best Jan

  16. Hello, I do love my coffee, but Hot Chocolate is delicious too. I usually do not like my photo taken, so I do not have many selfies. Enjoy your day!

  17. Both of these are delightful and I love them!


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