Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Bremer Bay - the trip down south

Taking advantage of the Queen's birthday long weekend in Western Australia, we joined some friends for a 4 day weekend in Bremer Bay, just over 500km south east of Perth.

The Giant Ram at Wagin

On the way there we came across a gigantic statue of a ram at Wagin - a sheep town that once a year holds the biggest agricultural show in Western Australia.

That's me under the statue so you can just imagine how big it is!! The statue is 9mt high and 6mt wide and weighs 4 tonnes.Pretty yellow fields of canola could be seen bordering the country roads, as well as lots of cows and sheep.

Country life

We also came across two large trucks carrying large loads which are preceded by a truck announcing it so traffic can move to the side. Can you see the size of those wheels?

Almost 6 hours later we arrived in Bremer Bay, having just missed running over two small kangaroos that just crossed the road, just 15km from our destination and still in daylight too!
Phew that was scary! We no longer travel \ on country roads before sunrise or after sunset , as a few years ago on our way to Denmark (WA) we ran over a giant male kangaroo and apart from causing great damage to the car and we also had to cut our holiday short and fly home.

We found the house I had rented through Airbnb, unloaded the car, unpacked and then met up with our friends who were staying at the Caravan park so we could have dinner together.

Next post - Bremer bay, the beaches and National Park.

Image result for from perth to bremer bay


  1. That sure is some gigantic Ram, Sami! The dark sky and the yellow fields are so beautifully dramatic and wee, Roadtrains with wide loads... I twice got a house coming up at me.
    Yes, roos aren´t funny on the road, we only drove at daytime whenever possible, too.

    1. Thanks Iris. Yes, the roos are a big worry on the roads!

  2. Loved the Wagin Ram. Even the name of the town makes me think of a sheep.

    You realize that you wouldn't have all that trouble with those poor kangaroos if you learned to drive on the right side of the road (GRIN). Bit of US humor.

    I've never heard of Bremer Bay, but I've never heard of a lot of places in Australia!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, yes Wagin does make one think of sheep, country town. Can't do much the driving side of the road, but the kangaroos will still go on the road before sunrise and after sunset, I think they seek the warmth of the tar.

  3. That is a huge Ram and a huge truck aswell. The name Bremer sounds like a German origin.

    1. Those large loads can be scary. The town was named after Sir James Gordon Bremer. a British royal navy captain. He might have been of German origin, who knows?

  4. We both had country trips this weekend Sami šŸ˜Š Bremer Bay is lovely, we haven't been there for years. Country roads make me very nervous I think 110kph is far too fast on those windy roads!

    1. Thanks Grace. Yes 110km on country roads is far too fast when any wild thing can run to the road! Love Bremer Bay, our first time there.

  5. A giant ram, a giant truck and then 2 kangaroos? A trip full of adventures!
    I love those yellow fields in the spring! There were loads of them in Czech Republic.

    1. Thanks Sara, yes it was an adventurous short holiday.

  6. Dearest Sami,
    Wow, things do look alike to ours here in the USA, at least those oversized vehicles!
    That was a very special and interesting trip down south.
    Sending you hugs,

    1. Thanks Mariette. Yes, big countries, big vehicles, big machinery.


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