Wednesday 27 April 2016

Personalised number plates II

Following from the previous post about personalised number plates, I've got a few blue ones this time! Well, some are black in blue cars...

Miau - a cat lover or most probably meaning that the motor purrs....

Blue envy? - I thought the colour associated with envy was green! I suppose because his/her car was blue, it was changed to blue.

Good Nanna -  Nanna is a term used for Grandmother.

Misschief - Here it think it could be interpreted as mischief = naughtiness or playful misbehaviour or maybe the young lady is a boss - miss chief.

Nitrogen - they must have just taken the cue from the car's name - Nitro.

Enigmatic - I find it funny when people use numbers instead of letters in a word.

Mrs Angry - hope she's not always angry, could be scary to drive behind or maybe ahead of her, no?

Hope you enjoyed the blue number plates, which one was your favourite?
I might show some black number plates next time.

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Gunn, they are car number-plates.

  2. The "cat-car" is the cutest, I think :-)
    Saw one semi-fun today from Peine, "PE-SE". No cam at hand and driving, too, no red-light. "ich pese" would mean "I run". Just so boring over here!

    1. Thanks Iris. Well I presume they have to have the name of the town they are registered in, so not much choice!

  3. Grace and myself were discussing your earlier number plate post. We agreed it is a bit sad when people can't get the letter and so have to use a number as a substitute.

    1. Sometimes a number could substitute various letters that wouldn't fit in a number plate. Thanks Andrew

  4. Mmmiaow is just awesome! Have you thought what would you name your car if you would have a personalised plate?

    1. What about "cat lover" or " cat lady"? With 3 cats I could qualify for that! Thanks Sara.

  5. This is all new for me, we only have two or three characters and the rest is digits. Looks funny to read them in a traffic jam.

    1. I had never seen this type of thing before coming to Australia either Marianne. I'm always on the lookout for them in parking lots, shopping centers, or when I'm a passenger in a car.

  6. Ha ha, I think if I was driving Mrs Angry I'd be careful where I parked!
    Wren x

  7. We don't see so many here, interesting comment on their owners.

  8. Nunca tinha visto matrículas assim. :-)) Bem achadas! São muito giras e engraçadas!

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  10. One thing that is vital to know, notwithstanding, is that declawing isn't a nail trim. It includes the removal of the last joint of your feline's "toes". When you consider it like that, I figure it will turn out to be clear why it isn't viewed as a sympathetic thing in such a significant number of nations. cat related gifts


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