Monday 11 April 2016

Monday Mural - A taste of Portugal in Perth

Public Form 2016  means a new batch of exciting murals were painted around Perth from the 4th till the 10th of April.
The artists started by painting murals in the suburb of Claremont, then at Curtin University  and this week the artists go on to Albany in the South West to paint more murals there too.

Since I drive past Curtin University on my way to and from work, it was exciting to be able to accompany the progress of the 16 murals being painted across the campus. 

And because I'm Portuguese, the first mural from this year's Form, is the one painted by Portuguese muralist "Add Fuel" aka Diogo Machado, based on the traditional blue and white Portuguese tiles.

I'm not being biased if I say that his mural was my favourite! 
I love blues, I love the Portuguese tile work, and the mural is really different and beautiful.

Just check the progress from beginning to end.

First day - the undercoat is being painted

Day 2 

Day 3

Using stencils to paint the tile details

                                          Last day- putting the finishing touches on the mural

We managed to catch Diogo after he finished his work, had a chat with him and of course took a photo with this wonderful young artist.
I wish him the best of luck with his work and hope you too like this "taste of Portugal" that I brought you today.

If you like murals please follow this link to check other Monday Murals from around the world.

PS -"Add Fuel's" blue and white tile design was also imprinted on the Public2016 pamphlet maps and other banners as this one at the university campus, so quite an honour I would think!


  1. It is interesting to see how a mural is constructed. The mural certainly makes some brutalist concrete architecture a little more attractive.

    1. Thanks for the visit Andrew. I agree that those grey concrete buildings needed an uplift! Apparently some architects have disagreed...

  2. I thought indeed for a moment that it were real tiles. Nice one.

    1. Thank you S.C. they do look very real!

  3. That is quite a surprise to meet a Portugese artist in Perth. He did a wonderful job very original and so nice to follow him during his painting.

    1. Thanks Marianne, I was lucky to be able to watch the various stages.

  4. you are lucky to have public.form as I am with wall/therapy.

    1. Yes, similar organisations that bring colour to the cities. Thanks for your visit Tom.

  5. Wow, that sure went fast! Amazing work. And pics with him, wow!
    I have to admit I lost track of braving up and try to talk to strangers...

    1. Thanks Iris. I got a photo with him and with Amok Island a Dutch muralist.
      So very brave of me for asking!

  6. Fantastic! Really those grey concret building needed a facelift. But shouldn't be only on one wall. May be this is the reasons for the architets desagreament. Congratulations for the Portuguese winner Diogo Machado. You should pass all comments about these murals to him. Happy to see "the taste of Portugal" in

    1. Thanks you. This mural was my winner, there's no competition, every one of the 16 artists painted something in their style.I have sent him a link to my blog post.

  7. Wow! you caught the making of a mural. It must have been exciting to see the progress. And that looks like a pretty tall mural.

    1. It was great to follow the progress of 5 or 6 of the murals. This one is about 4 floors high.

  8. How wonderful for you to follow the progress! It is a beauty!

  9. Dearest Sami,
    WOW, this post made me so happy and yes, it is by far the best I've seen! It really looks like tiles and one cannot imagine the huge size of it! When Diogo was standing there, working, it only becomes evident.
    You know, I was just pondering about history and how cultures are interwoven over the ages. The Portuguese were one of the very first that did trade with the Far East and of course the famous blue china has made an everlasting impact on their future tile work and such. But it is beautiful, always love the house number tiles and decorations. Like on this campus, it adds a very sunny and happy touch to daily life.
    Thanks for following this and I hope Diogo got your info so he too can see this.
    Hugs from a wet (pouring down) Georgia,

    1. Thanks for such a lovely comment Mariette. Quite true, the blue china has certainly influenced the modern tiles used in Portugal.
      The campus is certainly brighter with such a beautiful mural. I have sent Diogo a link to my post, so hope he reads it.
      It's also wet here in Perth, been raining on and off since Saturday, but we are in Autumn which is normally the rainy season.

    2. Glad to know that this incredible artist Diogo got your link!

    3. Thanks Mariette, have a lovely week.

  10. I love the layered look, like peeling back time. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

    1. Thanks O.D.P. and thanks for hosting it.

  11. It's a beautiful mural and the Portuguese influence is obvious. The mixture of blues makes me think of the sky and the sea in Portugal, in one of those summer days without a cloud in the sky. Lucky you to see this mural on your way to work ;)

  12. Looks pretty, and also similar to the tower at the airport here in Stavanger.

    1. Thanks Gunn, I'll have to search for a photo of your airport tower now...

  13. Well done to Curtin University for adding some life and interest into what was a rather unimaginative concrete block of a building. The movement and colour that the artist adds to the building is fabulous and perfect for you that it was a taste of Portugal! Did the other ones at the University represent other countries?
    Can't wait to see more.
    Wren x

    1. Hi Wren, the majority of the artists were Australian, two Italian, a Dutch,an American. I'll be posting more murals from this event every Monday for the Murals meme.

  14. Diogo is amazing! I'm glad he's getting recognition from you for his talent! I love the way urban murals show up in unexpected places and make people immersed in worrisome hurry stop for a second and smile. This one will certainly have that effect!

    1. Thank you J. Some murals really have the power to make us smile.

  15. Oh that is too cool Sami, I love this one also I can see why it's your favourite the colour and design is fab! Gosh look at you being so brave, I really have to do something about my shy thing :)

    1. Welcome back Grace. This mural has my favourite blues. I'm also shy , just put on a brave mask to ask Diogo for a photo.


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