Wednesday 26 January 2022

Signs - Hot, hot, hot

For other signs from around the world please check Tom's blog.

Happy Australia Day!

This Perth sign with flags can be found at Yagan Square. The flags represent the 78 different nationalities that call Perth home.

Perth has had a record breaking 5 days in a row of scorching heat, with temperatures peaking above 40°C (104F), temperatures not seen since 1897

Luckily since this Monday, the temperatures have dropped slightly, with a weak "cold front" sweeping the State, and temperatures dropping to the low 30'sC (89,6F), although they are set to rise again after the 28th January for a couple more days.

Of course the UV can be quite high... so SLIP, SLOP, SLAP 🌞


  1. Sami, you can happily have our 2C, let´s swap ;-)
    Love the SLIP, SLOP, SLAP, have the video somewhere - happy Australia Day! Will there be celebrations?

    1. Yes, we still had celebrations and fireworks in the city. We just arrived home at 10,30pm from 2 events at friends houses and we saw the fireworks from afar.

  2. I suppose the the number on the air con unit is the external temperature. I hope so.

    1. Yes external temperature Andrew. Although probably as hot inside the car if it was in the sun for a while.

  3. And the predictions are that Perth is going to keep getting hotter and drier. Give me our cold weather any time. This morning it is minus sixteen and I will be leading a bird walk. Everyone will be dressed for the weather and perfectly comfortable. But you cannot escape forty degrees. It is dangerous to be out for long in those conditions. Stay cool, Sami, and think about moving!!

    1. Thanks David. Can't move for the next few years, not until we retire anyway. I'm not keen on long winters and snow though...

  4. ...the PERTH sign is wonderful, it's a wonderful selfie spot. I wish that we have one here. Thanks Sami for joining the party, take care.

    1. Thanks Tom. It is a nice selfie spot. It gets moved around the city and sometimes instead of the flags the letters have other art. Thanks for hosting Tom

  5. That temperature is standard for our summers. It's when it gets to 108 and above that we stay in.

    Have a fabulous day and I hope it cools off some. ♥

    1. Luckily it has gone down to low 30's. Thanks Sandee.

  6. Dearest Sami,
    Wish we were back to those temperatures...!
    Happy Australia Day.
    That sign is cleverly designed. For a big city that is not even a very high number of nationalities. When husband Pieter became a US Citizen on Friday, April 23, 1990 he was one of 77 nations... Atlanta is one of the most diverse cities of the USA.
    Guess it is because the USA was the only nation in the entire world that accepted citizens from the entire world.

    1. Thanks Mariette. There are more than 270 different nationalities in Australia, but I think most chose to go to the East Coast. Perth is considered the most isolated city in the world, so might not be everyone's choice, plus our State of Western Australia, which is almost half of Australia only has 3 million inhabitants.

  7. Love that Perth sign. Too bad the temps are so extreme - we are in a deep freeze here.

    1. Thanks Pat 😊. We are back to the low 30's C.

  8. Passei aí o Natal mais quente da minha vida.
    Até fervia!

    1. Na vespera Natal deste ano tivemos 42C. Mas felizmente não é normal..
      Obrigada Pedro.

  9. Replies
    1. Felizmente já baixou para temperaturas mais normais para o Verão. Bom fim semana Francisco.

  10. Happy belated Australia Day, Sami. I was so impressed by that sign and was surprised how many flags I actually recognized. It is a real beauty.

    I hope you have AC because otherwise, you will get quite ill. Houses get and stay warmer than the outside temps in summer. Please stay safe and cool, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, it is a nice sign. I think air-con is quite standard here. Our house has evaporative air-con, and as Perth weather is dry it works well.

    2. Air Con is pretty standard in much of the US, but, unless it's a new home, houses on the west coast seldom have them. Glad it's standard there. I know much of Europe suffers lately due to rising summer temps.

  11. Wow, and here it is freezing cold! Stay cool, Sami!

  12. I do hope you had a happy Australia day.

    All the best Jan

  13. 5 degrees C and rain here... Sigh. Scotty, beam me down under!


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