Wednesday, 30 October 2024

September - Monthly Wrap-Up and Signs

Joining Tom's signs - please check his post  for other signs from around the world.

Thursday 5th -  To celebrate Jose's birthday, the two of us had dinner at "Little Gan's", a tiny but wonderful restaurant just 5 minutes from home. This was our second visit, and again it didn't disappoint - food is exceptional, service great.

A cocktail for me and wine for Jose, share plates

Sunday 8th - I organized a lunch at home for Jose's birthday, with family and a few friends.

Starters, Mains and Desserts and our outdoor area where we eat

Monday 9th - A visit to a periodontist to clean my teeth in preparation for dental implants. Unfortunately due to me brushing my teeth with brute force the bottom gums are quite receded. The Dr gave me a very, very soft brush that I'll have to get used to. On the way home I stopped in the city to take photos of more murals.

Wednesday 11th - Met with Grace at her house, then we drove to the nearby Hillary's Marina for lunch and a walk around. Some new murals again. Back at her place we had a bowl of Panna cotta which I had taken.

Panna Cotta

Sunday 15th - Morning coffee with 3 colleagues at the new apartment of the fourth colleague. Great views of the city, Swan River and I found a mural ...

A mural find (bottom right)

Monday 16th - First visit to the Hand & Wrist specialist to discuss the tenosynovitis in the middle finger of my right hand. Unfortunately after 6 months of Occupational therapy first once a week, then every 2nd week....acupuncture, exercises at home... nothing much improved, so my GP suggested I see the specialist.  An operation was booked for 2 weeks later on 27th September.

Magnificent view of one Claremont Marina from the specialists wait room at Bethesda Hospital

Tuesday 17th - there was a prescribed bush fire somewhere and the sky was orange and the sun was a huge white ball!

Friday 20th - I picked up 2 now retired colleagues at the Bull Creek train station, then drove to Kings Park Botanic Gardens, to wander around and enjoy the Spring Festival.

This year the Botanic gardens introduced a purple Kangaroo Paw (anigozanthus), 2 years ago they introduced a blue one. At the Information kiosk, they had 2 mannequins with  flower crochet dresses.

That evening, when Jose arrived from work, we drove to Fremantle to see the Mexican Navy ship - the Cuauhtemoc- on its 42nd training cruise around the world, with 237 mariners on board.

The tall ship was in Fremantle harbour for about 5 days and was open to the public from 10am to 8pm every day. We visited the day before it departed to Melbourne.

After the visit we walked Gage Roads Brewery, for fish & chips dinner.

Friday 27th - I took the bus, then the train to the suburb of Claremont (remember the last murals from there?), then walked 15 min to be admitted at Bethesda Hospital at 12,30h. (A small private hospital situated next to the Swan River).

Admission, paperwork signed and I was taken by a volunteer to my bed in an upstairs room, and lucky me I had a river view :) 

I changed into a gown, and lay in bed reading my book. A nurse came to ask questions re: my date of birth, medications I was on (none), allergies, last time I ate or drank... I was given a pen to mark the finger to be operated, a tag was put on my wrist and leg, my blood pressure taken - through the roof! 

I have white coat syndrome and I presume, fasting, thirsty and nervous about the impending operation. She said she would give me a bit of time to settle and would return to take my BP again. This time slight better, but still high. Third time she was happier with it, even though it wasn't perfect!

A couple of hours later I was wheeled into a pre-operating room. There again I was asked by another nurse, then by the Anaesthetic nurse, then by the Anaesthetist, my name, date of birth, medication, allergies, last time I ate...

Then I was wheeled into the Operation room, where the specialist talked me through the procedure, then I was given a local anaesthetic. The operation didn't take more than 15 or 20 minutes, the Doctor removed the cyst I had on the palm of my hand, cleaned the infection and liquid, and managed to bend the finger to the palm, so he decided he no longer needed to operate the finger and told me that.

I was wheeled to the Recovery room where various nurses came to ask if I was feeling well, in pain, etc, and once again my BP was measured 3 times and again it was high. Eventually the nurse called the Anaesthetist to ask his opinion and he said as long as it was under a certain number he was happy for me to go back to the room. So after the third time I was wheeled back upstairs, told I could contact Jose to came and fetch me in a hours time and given sandwiches and tea (I was starving, fasting since 8am), and some pain killers.

River view from my bed, the hospital room, my after op meal, the skies were darkening and a rainbow

At home I was lucky I didn't feel pain after that first night, so didn't take any painkillers, just anti-inflammatories as requested by the Specialist and had to wear a compression glove to help with the swelling. It was recommended I stay home for 2 weeks, no driving either.

Bandaged hand after op, and 3 days later when I could take bandage out - very swollen and bruised until mid arm

Sunday 29th - we had lunch at a friend's house. They have 2 playful dogs. 


Before my op I managed to finish painting these 2 chest of drawers and side-tables and a half moon table.

Monday, 28 October 2024

Monday Murals - Hope

I love murals and street art. If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you.  Just follow the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you will find murals everywhere.  The "Monday Mural" meme goes live on Monday at 12,01AM, Perth, Western Australian time. Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters. Looking forward to your mural finds this week.
Thanks Sami 

Knowing my keen interest in murals, Dr S. who works in the same clinic where I work told me her son in law, Jerome Davenport (Ketones 6000) had finished painting a mural in Wolf Lane, in Perth's city centre in August this year. It's called "Hope".

Wolf Lane is a quirky lane in-between two busy streets, where the first murals were painted for Form Public Art Festival in 2014. Those murals are still there and a few new ones have been recently added.

You can read the post I wrote about that first festival in 2014!

This linky list is now closed.

Monday, 21 October 2024

Monday Murals - Birds, birds, birds...

I love murals and street art. If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you.  Just follow the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you will find murals everywhere.  The "Monday Mural" meme goes live on Monday at 12,01AM, Perth, Western Australian time. Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters. Looking forward to your mural finds this week.

Thanks Sami 

Painted in August this year by the very talented Graeme Miles Richards"140 birds"  was designed to bring joy, movement and life to a low wall around an office building in Perth's central business district. It can be seen at the intersection of William Street and St. George's Terrace.

This linky list is now closed.

Monday, 14 October 2024

Monday Murals - At the Claremont Station underpass

I love murals and street art. If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you.  Just follow the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you will find murals everywhere.  The "Monday Mural" meme goes live on Monday at 12,01AM, Perth, Western Australian time. Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters. Looking forward to your mural finds this week.

Thanks Sami 

Recently while waiting for my appointment with the hand specialist I walked around Claremont and after spotting the previous 2 murals (from last post) I saw this huge mural leading from the Claremont station to the pedestrian underpass between Gugeri Street and Claremont Crescent.

The long 400 sqm mural (4305sqft) was painted in March 2022, by local artist Jennie Nayton, in a rainbow of colours, patterns and flowers. The artist took inspiration from the suburb's historical buildings - Federation style pressed tin ceilings, cast iron features, Art Deco tiling and plaster facades that grace the buildings, and the flowers from local parks.

I'm sure it brings joy to those passing through the underpass, it certainly brightened my day. Hope it brings you joy as well.

This should be my last mural from the suburb of Claremont, unless I discover any more murals future visits to my Hand specialist :)

This linky list is now closed.