Wednesday 10 April 2024

Monthly Wrap-Up - March and Signs

Also taking part in the Signs meme. For other signs from around the world check Tom's blog.

Friday 1st - I joined bloggers Iris (visiting from Germany) and Grace at the Cottesloe Beach, for Sculpture by the Sea, a free to the public sculpture exhibition which is held at Cottesloe Beach. This was their 20th year, and it opened on the 1st and ran until the 18th March.

After walking around, we enjoyed an ice-cream. Later I drove Iris to Fremantle, then drove to the northern suburb of Mount Lawley to meet up with a "new friend" visiting from Portugal. Dulce, an 80 something stylish lady, was visiting her granddaughter for 2 months, and the latter had asked on a "Portuguese in Perth" website if anyone was keen to meet up with the granny and also lend her Portuguese books to read. I volunteered for both, so this was our first meeting, where I took her out to coffee.

Saturday 2nd - My birthday.  In the morning I prepared some of the goodies for my birthday party which I was hosting the following day. In the afternoon Jose and I took a train to Optus Stadium to attend Pink's concert.

Pink played on Friday and Saturday with an attendance of about 60 thousand people at each concert! 

The atmosphere at the stadium was amazing, more than half the crowd was wearing pink, singing along, dancing....

Before she came on, there was a DJ, then the Australian singer Tones and I, well known for her record-breaking song "Dance Monkey".

Tones and I

Tones and I - Dance Monkey

Pink all over :)

The highlight of the concert was when Pink and daughter Willow sang "Cover me in Sunshine".

Cover me in Sunshine - Pink and Wllow

These clever signs at the Stadium were really fun as they used titles of Pink's songs to transmit important messages.


Sunday 3rd - For my birthday celebration, we had 24 people for lunch in our patio. Some friends brought goodies to add to our table as well.

When we get to a certain age, we have everything we need and don't need any gifts, but I was showered with wonderful gifts from my friends.

Iris hand painted me a precious birthday card with balloons (which you can see around the bottle on left)

Iris and I (Grace didn't want to appear on photos)

Saturday 9th- I attended a "Less Waste Workshop" at the local Canning River Eco Education Centre (Creek) from 10am to 12pm.

At 3,30 I was in the city centre for a meeting with ladies from the Portuguese Womens's Association to discuss our Carnival dinner event we held in February and to talk about our next event on the 1st of June.

When the meeting finished I picked up two friends in Mt Lawley (one of them the lady I had met the week before), drove home, changed, and when Jose got home from having worked that weekend, we went to the Women's Day dinner at the Portuguese club in Fremantle.

Idalia, Vina and the new friend Dulce with me behind them

Friday 15th - a quick check up at the dentist to make sure all was well with the bone graft for my dentist to do the implant soon. All ok. 

Because it was at the other dental office in another suburb, on the way home I stopped to take photos of murals around the Canning River area.

Wednesday 20th - took the train to Subiaco to have dinner with a friend visiting from Brasil. We first maybe a decade ago via our blogs when Monica lived in Perth.

The photos of the murals I posted Monday were taken then.

Monica and I had dinner at Delisio Italian restaurant

Friday 22nd - Joined by our friends  L & W, we departed to Hamelin Bay for a 4 day camping trip.

No net or phone reception, so it was quiet, but  the 4 of us spent a lot of time talking, we went to the beach a couple of times to see the stingrays, which were amazing.

The birds were friendly :)

Hamelin Bay Beach

Stingrays coming close to shore.

Stingrays video

Monday 25th - We packed up in the morning and left the camp at about 10,30. First stop in Margaret River for a coffee, then we stopped at Myalup to fill up with petrol and to have a sandwich for lunch.

Jose had been suffering from back pain for a few days before we left, and will all the picking and moving, etc he was in pain when driving back, so en-route I arranged a physio appointment, and he just made it, as we arrived home at 3,50 and the appointment was at 4pm.

Tuesday 26th - I had the day off and picked with Dulce (my new friend, who would be leaving Perth the following week) and took her to Pinnaroo Valley Memorial Park, a different type of cemetery in the suburbs, with beautiful green areas, statues, birds and kangaroos.

After walking around the park and taking photos with the kangaroos we drove 10 minutes to Hillary's Boat harbour for a fish and chips lunch.

Beware chip thieves operate here

This big bird was being assembled at Hillary's. Not sure if it is for a special event.

Sunday 31st - Jose and I went to see a French movie - "Iris and the Men" - one of the films from the 35th season of the Alliance Francaise  French Film Festival. I like the actress Laure Calamy, which I first saw in the very funny French series "Call my Agent" on Netflix.

                                                 Iris and the Men (from youtube)

Personalized Car number plates seen this month:


  1. Muitos parabéns!! : )
    Um mês muito bem passado.
    Que todos sejam assim.

    1. Obrigada Catarina. Foi um mes muito agradavel.

  2. Replies
    1. Obrigada Pedro, um mes em cheio de certeza!

  3. The number of signs you display are maddening good. Love Pink as she is Australia's adopted daughter.

    1. She certainly is and she in turn loves to perform in Australia :) Thanks Roentare

  4. Oh, boy, Sami, it feels like this was ages ago! I haven´t even started with the sculptures on blogger!
    Sweet you took care also of that lady :-)
    And Pink!
    Yes. In 9news each and every morning!
    Wow, the stadium was packed. Not my thing but such a joy to see after that COVID-drama!!!
    The Mother-Daughter duet is wonderful. Why didn´t this appear in the news? And the title... in the hottest summer! ;-)
    Sadly I must admit I don´t know her songs, but the sign-idea is very clever. And fire again, uhhh..... atm I learn about thermal runaways on trains - scary! Glad the Infinity train will go at 20-30 km/h only...!
    Nice there were water fountains - just to be expected! It´s Perth, right!
    LOL, you don´t see I have a measel´s like issue, thank you. Really, as I teenager I´d stay home! (but your birthday was more important and I´m no teenager anymore).

    That workshop sounds interesting! Ingo always gets "mad" at me when I don´t waste... I should´ve sent him there!
    Uh, implant. Ingo has several. So far I am spared...
    You meet people from all over the world! To blogger!/Social media...
    Love the magpie.
    Backpain, owww.
    Is that the cemetary Grace and P took us, too, I think so, the statue was there, too, and the roos :-) A nice place to visit loved ones gone.
    LOL, had the pic with the thieves up, too :-)
    The big bird was not there (or I am blind).

    Oh, boy, no. My French is too bad, but my ears still bring it to my brain, so I understand French words whilst reading English - too complicated. We saw an Italian movie, English subtitles, no problem cause I (sadly!) don´t speak Italian.
    And.. will you believe it. In those six weeks I found near to no personalized number plates!

    Thank you for the fun wrap up!

    1. It was lovely you both made it to my birthday :) Yes, same cemetery Grace took you to. That bird at Hillary's was still being built when I went there. I find I understand a lot of the French when they spoke in the movie... I have more trouble speaking back.

  5. What a happy busy life! Best wishes to you dear. Aloha

  6. You do so much! When do you rest? I love fish and chips.

    1. I do rest too River :) Some months are busier than others.

  7. Sculpture by the sea is a wonderful event. I wish they had something like that here.

    Looks like you had a great birthday including the Pink concert. Lots of food and gifts. Really great friends who thought of you on your birthday.

    Great personalized plates. I used to see a few here, but not anymore.

    1. Thank you Elizabeth. It was nice to have Iris and Grace around too. Loved the pink concert :)

  8. Hello,
    The Sculptures by the sea are all wonderful. A lovely place to see the sculptures too. I like some of Pink's songs. You had a busy month, lots of fun activities. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thank you Eileen. The sculptures by the sea are a huge and much loved event in Perth.

  9. ...Sami, once again you amaze me with the things that you are able to pack into a month! Thanks for stopping by, I hope that you are enjoying your week.

    1. Thanks Tom. Some months are busier than others :)

  10. What a fun place for a walk and I love all the license plate. Some folks are so talented.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week, Sami. ♥

  11. What an amazing month of March you had.
    Great photographs, sculpture by the sea looks a great event.

    Hope your April days are going well.

    All the best Jan

  12. Even for you that sounds like a busy month.
    The bird at the harbour is going to be great.
    I am not one for pop music much now, but isn't Pink just fantastic. She clearly likes Australia as much as Australia likes her.

    1. It was busy Andrew. That bird is going to look fabulous. Pink is a fantastic singer and entertainer. Thanks Andrew

  13. You've had a full and fun month -- birthday months are almost always that way, aren't they? How on earth can April top it?

    1. Thank Jeanie. It was a very full month, but I think April has been quieter, just a lot of work!

  14. A wonderful recap of lots of events in your part of the world. I had forgotten all about that beach sculpture show.

    1. Thank you Sharon. The beach sculptures are the highlight of the year :)


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