Monday 2 October 2023

Monday Murals - Create to Liberate

I love murals and street art. If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you.  Just follow the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you will find murals everywhere.  The "Monday Mural" meme goes live on Monday at 12,01AM, Perth,Western Australian time. Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters. Looking forward to your mural finds this week.

Thanks Sami  

The "Create to Liberate" mural was in McCoy street, in the suburb of Myaree, the street just before Hulme Court, where last week's mural was. It was painted in 2016 by local artist Chris Nixon.

The McCoy Street shops had been plagued by petty crime in 2015 coinciding with the school holidays, cameras showing bored teenagers throwing rocks through the windows, tagging walls and a couple of attempted break-ins.
So the businesses and nearby residence approached Melville council which helped co-ordinate a mural project which local artist Chris Nixon created.

The coffee shop owner says the project draws upon the principle of place-making; people will respect a public space if effort has been put into sprucing it up! 

“There’s an unspoken rule you don’t tag over someones tag.” 

She hoped that the teenagers would use the mural's inspiring message to turn their lives around. It seems to have worked, as the businesses are still there and 7 years later the mural is still untagged!


  1. I wish that taggers really did respect murals that were purposely painted to decorate spaces — It doesn’t happen all the time. But that looks like a successful effort.
    best, mae at

  2. Another language difference, though all called English. Tagging must mean graffiti painting there, I assume. Here in the US it might mean laser tagging in a game, or putting price tags on something. I'm really glad to see such an important message in a mural has survived 7 years.

    1. You are right Barbara, wasn't aware of that difference in language, tagging does mean painting graffiti over another mural.

  3. Inspiring! Thank you for sharing

  4. A great inspirational typography

  5. That's great that worked. We used to have that rule but lately some terribly tags are appearing over really great art and ruining it.

    1. How sad, I'm glad this one has survived. Thanks Lydia

  6. ...the wall must look better! We Thanks Sami for hosting, have a wonderful week.

  7. It's an excellent initiative that appears to have been a great success. In any case, I like this mural, which is rather disturbing for a colour-blind person. Red and green tend to clash, especially on the computer screen.

    1. Thanks Kwarkito. I had to laugh, because the wall is blue not green and the letters are a brick/orange colour.

  8. Sadly here we are increasingly seeing nice works tagged but it is still a deterrent. That's quite a success story. It can be as basic as litter on the street. If people see dropped litter they are more inclined to drop litter themselves.

    1. Thanks Andrew. Quite right, instead of picking the litter, people will drop more litter!

  9. Great idea and great work. Love the quote as well Create to liberate Nicely done in 3D

  10. Wonderful (and astonishing, too!) this worked out. I really do believe in your area there is much more respect than here in Europe.
    I never understood why the doctor (female) in Joondalup disapproved me leaving "at night" by myself for heading home! LOL. I was not afraid one sec! I so look forward to come back :-)

    1. I suppose that are some areas in Perth where I wouldn't walk around alone (Northbridge for example), but otherwise I've always felt safe. Thanks Iris.

  11. Love the message and how creatively it’s given Sami 😀! My entry here

  12. Sorry, Sami. I tried to post my Monday walk here but could not find my resized file photo. I'll try again later.

  13. Sami, that is a great mural. I love their message.

  14. Dear Sami, I'm glad that such actions exist and that the mural actually helped not only to beautify the cityscape, but also to keep young people away from further vandal activities. Have there also activities been created for the young people to prevent boredom? (I think that would be a good next step!)
    Today you will receive a first "teaser" image from me that shows a few murals from the Vienna Calle-Libre.Festival. I will report more about this festival soon.
    All the best and a happy week!
    🍁🌾🌻🪶🍂 🪶🌻🌾🍁

    1. Thanks Traude. Not sure if activities for the teenagers were implemented, hope so. So great to have a street art festival in Vienna. Look forward to more murals from there.

  15. It's great when a positive message actually works and this one seems to have done just that.
    The Linky app wasn't working this morning so I wasn't able to connect.

    1. I've entered your link manually Sharon, sorry don't know what could be happening, as no one else seems to have had a problem.

  16. For now, people do tend to treat murals as pieces of art and don't tag them.

    1. Thanks Jackie, I think most people respect murals.

  17. It is nice that everyone respects this one, Sami.
    The Linky won't work for me today either. My mural is here:

    1. Hi Sami. It is a couple of hours later and I tried again and the Linky is now working.

    2. Thanks Pat, glad you managed.

  18. Made it at last, Sami. I had a struggle to resize my image but it's done.

    1. Thanks Jo, glad you managed to participate with your great walk.

  19. I don't think taggers in the states have gotten that message. I'm so glad it worked there. It's a stunning mural.

    1. Thank you Elizabeth. It's sad when nice murals get tagged.

  20. Awesome works, Thanks a lot for hosting.
    Have a nice week ahead.

  21. That one is really impressive!


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