Saturday, 14 January 2017

Our Christmas & Boxing Day

We got back home from our trip down South on the 22nd December, just in time to start preparing our Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas lunch, as were hosting about 20 people at each event.

This year I had lots of helpers - my daughter had the task of wrapping presents to put under the tree and she helped make desserts. The men helped with setting the tables outdoor, putting up some lights on the patio and they too helped in the kitchen. Plus our friends always contribute with food and drinks which is wonderful as I don't have to stand for hours in the kitchen making everything.

On both occasions we sat around the table for hours enjoying each other's company and eating far too much...I talk for myself, but I'm sure everyone feels we eat too much on these occasions!

Our Christmas tree with the presents
Our serving table with salad, lamb stew, cod fish in cream sauce, ham and potato salad
Table with Desserts - the cold desserts were added later on, but I forgot to take a photo

My baby grandson, at just 4 weeks attened his first Christmas suitable dressed for the occasion.

On Boxing day, 26th December, we went to Mandurah (a suburb about 70km south of Perth) for lunch with friends.
Some of the crowd braved a jump into the canal bordering their newly built home, others swam in the pool.

The brave souls who jumped in the cold canal waters
Before leaving we drove around Mandurah to show the family this picturesque suburb - a lot of houses and apartments are built around man-made canals - The Venice of Perth.

We stopped for coffee in the town centre but the weather had suddenly turned windy and gray and we returned home.

Mandurah canals

24th to 26th Dec


  1. I was watching KYlie Minogue saying how different Christmas is "down under". The grandson looked like the best father christmas! ;-)
    We all eat a lot at Christmas either here or there! :-)
    Have a nice weekend

    1. Yes Paula, here Christmas tends to be more relaxed, celebrated outdoors, a lot of people eat seafood instead of the traditional hot foods of Europe, and a lot of people spend Christmas on the beaches too. Our grandson was the best Christmas present!

  2. What a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas and boxing day. Your daughter wrapping all those gifts must have been a godsend, because that is one chore I have grown to dislike.

    Not sure if that is a traditional Christmas meal in your area, but I was at a dinner that had ham. I would have more than likely eaten all the flan. It's my all time favorite dessert.

    I've never heard of Mandurah or their canals, but it is certainly a beautiful area. Thanks for sharing these memories and fabulous photos.

    1. I also hate wrapping the Christmas presents Elizabeth, and with so many this year it was wonderful she was here to do it!
      The Australians traditionally have seafood and ham to go with the hot weather. We still have some of the traditional Portuguese foods more suited to the cold days of Christmas.

  3. Sami, if you all offer such yummy food... :-) What can I say!
    You have the Christmas spirit!

    1. Thanks Iris, glad you liked the food we had. I wish I had a bigger house to invite more of our friends that live here without their families...

  4. That looks wonderfull all the food you had. Your grandson looks great almost older than only 4 weeks.

    1. Thanks Marianne. Yes he does look bigger than his age and he's very alert. He's already wearing clothes for 3 months!

  5. That's the way to do it Sami, if everyone helps it's not so hard, it was the same here.. gosh your dessert selection looked fabulous, I always say that dessert is the best part of the meal šŸ˜Š Your grandson is sooooo gorgeous, you are lucky to be able to see him often.

    1. Thanks Grace. Gosh that was half the desserts we had, the best ones were in the fridge! I agree with you as I love sweets!
      I know, I'm lucky I can visit him often, just came from their place now, having spent 3 or 4 hours there.

  6. Dearest Sami,
    Happy New Year and what a great Christmas you celebrated with that many people!
    It is pretty much the American way too, people do bring often each a dish so there is plenty to eat and not that much stress on cooking.
    Love the flan...
    My latest blog post is not updating on the side line:
    No idea why it is not working...
    But I'm working non-stop for getting this mega task done. So far 4 Fleur de Lys are done and a total of 12 and again 6 (for the 2nd curtain) is required.
    I will collapse after that and probably feel proud too.
    Sending you hugs and blessings, so much family joy, including the young grandson!

    1. Hello Mariette. That's the way to do it, if everyone contributes with something it makes it easier on the hostess. The flan is very traditional in the Portuguese cuisine.
      Hope you complete your crochet task soon, good luck with it!

    2. Thanks! Well the Dutch have some flan taste too...

  7. Good planning to be able to host those dinners just a couple of days after being away. Everything looks amazing and tasty. That seems to be a popular way to build these days. If you don't have waterfront property you just create it! Your little grandson is just too cute for words!

    1. Thanks Gill. Unfortunately Mandurah is just too far from the city, so if you work in the city or close by it's just unmanageable. And of course waterfront comes with plenty of $$$ signs!
      My grandson is almost 8 weeks and growing so fast!

  8. I also ate way too much for Christmas, I guess we all do. Your table looked really nice, with different dishes including codfish, of course! It must be nice to be able to have the meals outdoors as well.
    Your grandson is gorgeous!

    1. I do love being able to hold large gatherings outside. And of course we always have codfish for Christmas. Little J is a cutie.


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