Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Signs - Personalized Number Plates

For other signs from around the world check Tom's post.

More number plates seen recently.

Thanks Elon - you guessed it, seen on a Tesla

No money, well he wouldn't be able to buy a Tesla then...

A Yankees fan :)

Stringer -freelance journalist who is paid for each piece of their work individually by a publication

Trucky = Truck Driver

Monday, 25 September 2023

Monday Murals - Fauna and Flora in Myaree

I love murals and street art. If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you.  Just follow the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you will find murals everywhere.  The "Monday Mural" meme goes live on Monday at 12,01AM, Perth,Western Australian time. Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters. Looking forward to your mural finds this week.
Thanks Sami 

These murals were across the parking lot from the clinic where I had my endoscopy in July - the GI Clinic.
Located in the business precinct in Hulme Court, in the suburb of Myaree, the very long mural was painted by Perth artist Brenton See, in December 2019.

Brenton specialises in painting Western Australian flora and fauna, to educate the world on how lucky we are to share our planet with such wonders and his murals focus on native species within 15km of the location of the walls he is painting, to show the public what can be found close-by.

Among the creatures represented in this mural are a dolphin, a fairy tern, red-capped plover, western banjo frog and a dusky moorhen.

The dolphin

Red capped plover and Fairy tern

Dusty Moorhen, Western Banjo Frog

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Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Signs - Personalized Number plates

Some of the personalized number plates seen in August.
For more signs from around the world please check Tom's blog.

Crazy lady

Alley cat

Monday, 18 September 2023

Monday Mural - Art meets Architecture

I love murals and street art. If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you.  Just follow the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you will find murals everywhere.  The "Monday Mural" meme goes live on Monday at 12,01AM, Perth,Western Australian time. Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters. Looking forward to your mural finds this week.
Thanks, Sami 

I first spotted these murals in December last year. They happen to be just a couple of blocks from my workplace.  They weren't yet complete, nor was the new building.
Just a couple of weeks ago I remembered to turn right instead of left when going home so that I could take photos of the completed project.

Perth artist Stormie Mills, was invited to paint the two murals by the developer    - Fini Developments - in this 5-storey residential building at 21 Henley Street, Como. The murals took about 1 month to be painted.

Dec 2022

Aug 2023

Dec 2022

Aug 2023

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Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Monthly Wrap-Up - August

Joining Tom's Signs. Please check his blog for other signs from around the world.

Tuesday 1st - it was the warmest Winter day this year with 25C  (77F), but the rain would start the following day.

Wednesday 2nd - Jose and I met up with our financial advisor to discuss plans for our retirement in about 2 years time. We were pleasantly surprised with our balance in our superannuation account (Australian private retirement fund), so to celebrate we went to dinner to an Italian restaurant - Casa Delizia in the suburb of Como. Delicious!

Codfish croquettes for starter, lamb rump, chips and veggies, Fish and chips for mains, Cannoli and Tiramisu for dessert

Friday 4th - our new leather electrical recliner sofa was delivered. I changed the layout, took some of my paintings off the wall, and just hung the ones I like most. The colours went from brown to grey, so everything is lighter.

The wood kitchen counter I had ordered for my appliance garage/movable island was installed by Jose, so now I have a longer and slightly wider top and we can have 1 stool on each side.

Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th - Sunny warm weekend and it took advantage of it to do gardening. I had been given a lot of brown plastic pots that I spray painted in blues (you can guess from my decor that turquoise is my favourite colour) so I re-potted some of the plants.

A bee on a flower

Sunday 13th - in the afternoon I went to my friend/neighbour Maria's house and we were joined by a couple more ladies, and Maria taught us how to make fresh pasta, which I then cooked for dinner.

Friday 18th - I drove Maria to the northern suburbs of Perth to go and pick-up  pasta machines she had bought through Marketplace, then we went to a nearby op-shop where we found another machine, and then we had lunch at Ikea. She needed to collect about 10 machines for next month's Past Making Workshop she will be hosting at the Canning Showgrounds for our Community Harvest group.

Sign in the Ikea toilet

Sat and Sund 19th and 20th - Another warm and sunny weekend, which we spent in the garden again - lots of weeding to do.... sometimes I get the feeling we have more weeds than plants, 😃they never stop growing, especially after the Winter rainy season.

Tuesday 22nd - I had a biennial mammogram/breast scan at a radiology next to Hollywood Hospital. On the way home I noticed a long wall of murals, so had to park again to go and take photos.

Wed 23rd - after July's endoscopy I had to do a Barium Swallow test at SKG Radiology at Murdoch Hospital. The test is easy, but the licorice stuff they gave me to swallow while they scan the progress of the stuff down to the stomach is not so pleasant. I really hate licorice!  After the scan I was given a vomit bag, which luckily I didn't need, while I waited for 15 min or so until the radiologist confirmed all was ok.

Murdoch Hospital, modern statue outside the hospital and the radiology room

I saw this sign at the Murdoch hospital

Friday 25th - One of the ladies from our Community Harvest group hosted the Sourdough workshop at the Canning Showgrounds. Sixteen people bought tickets to the workshop and it was quite successful.

Brand new pavilion at the Canning Showgrounds

Engravings on glass door at one of the Canning Showgrounds halls

Sunday 27th - We had lunch at friend's brand new house and I took my Portuguese milk flan.

I made lemon butter from the dozens of lemons from our tree. This year some of the lemons were huge!

1.026kg = 2.261 pounds

Monday 28th - It was time for my 6 monthly dental clean up. My teeth always feel very sensitive for a few days after that, and I can hardly eat or drink anything either too hot or too cold.

Thursday 31st - after a couple of days when Twiggy was hardly eating, we made the hard decision to let Twiggy go. She had lived for 2 1/2 months after her cancer  diagnoses, which the vet thought was remarkable. 

On her last day, she went outside to the backyard and spent time in the sun, looking at the doves coming and going.

I still miss her and keep going to the bedroom to see how she is, or call out her name in greeting when I get home... She would have turned 16 years on the 17th September 😢.

Sign at the vet

Birds in my garden: Magpies and Ibis, magpies coming to my front door "asking for food", (pink and grey) Galahs

Monday, 11 September 2023

Monday Murals - Various in Aveiro

I love murals and street art. If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you.  Just follow the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you will find murals everywhere.  The "Monday Mural" meme goes live on Monday at 12,01AM, Perth,Western Australian time. Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters. Looking forward to your mural finds this week.

Thanks, Sami 

And these are the last murals from Aveiro, Portugal - just random ones I saw all over the town. 

The first five murals were in the street where we stayed for 2 days in an Airbnb -  Rua dos Marnotos. Some have the names of the artists, others no name.

Navigate by Fabio Carneiro

                                Praça do Peixe (Fish market) by Zooter

Graffiti saved me from religion

Painted in 2018 by The Empty Belly 

Seen in a Cafe that sold Ovos Moles, the famous Aveiro dessert

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