Thursday 31 August 2023

RIP Twiggy

Today I'm posting a tribute to our lovely Twiggy, our 5th and last furbaby who we had to put to sleep on Thursday 31st August, 2 weeks short of her 16th birthday.

She was the smallest of the litter, hence she was named after Twiggy, the British supermodel of the 60's. 

Our tortoiseshell, along with 7 other kittens came into our lives on the 17th September 2007, when "Mommy" and "Baby" gave birth to 4 kittens each, just outside my son's bedroom window. 
The mothers weren't really our cats, they had pink collars, were well fed, but used to came around to our house just after we moved in. 
I would put little notes on their collars to find out who they belonged to, but nobody ever owned up to them. The house had been empty for a while, as the previous owner had died, so they couldn't have belonged to the old owner. 

They were friendly and whenever the patio door was open they would just wander indoors and sit on the sofas. Eventually they just moved in.

Just a couple of weeks before they gave birth I noticed both cats were pregnant as they were getting a bit fat around their tummy.

We adopted out all but 3 of the 8 babies through an organization called "Safe - Saving animals from euthanasia" - my son Michael wanted Fluffy, and the other two girls, the tortoishells Shelley and Twiggy sadly just didn't get adopted as they were the "ugliest" little kittens.  The mothers - Mommy and Baby sadly passed away in March 2014 and February 2015, Fluffy in March 2021 and Shelley in April 2022.

"Mommy" with all 8 kittens around her

Mommy & Baby nursing their 8 kittens - Twiggy was the dark one by the tail

Look at that cute face


Twiggy was a good friend to Fluffy (the ginger cat), but got on better with her look-alike Shelley.

Shelley (left) and Twiggy (right)
Shelley and twiggy cuddling up in winter

Playful moments:

She was very close to Mommy, who I think was her birth mother, and suffered a bit when she died in 2014.

In April this year I noticed she had a wound on her neck that she constantly licked. The vet prescribed an antibiotic, and when it persisted, prescribed a cream that helped it heal.
Then I noticed Twiggy wasn't eating much.... in fact she had lost weight. Over two months of vet visits she had lost 1kg which is a lot for a cat, although she had been slightly overweight.


My computer buddy just days ago

April 2023

After blood tests, which didn't show much out of kilter, the vet suggested a scan.
Sadly on the 14th June she was diagnosed with lymphoma - with tumours in the lung, kidney and bowel, and I was told the prognosis was 1 to 3 months.

With the help of steroid tablets she started eating again, but became quite fussy with food. She would only eat raw mince meat or pet mince and cat treats instead of the normal kibble, but she managed to put on a little weight. 
She made it to 10 weeks eating well, then started to eat less again last week and the last 2 days she basically would only drink the water that I added to the mince when warming it up in the microwave. I knew it was time to let her go...

She spent her last afternoon enjoying the warm sunshine in the back yard, munched on catnip and sat next to me getting plenty of cuddles.

Jose and I took her to the vet for our last goodbye.
Twiggy wandered around the room, climbed onto the window ledge, looking outside... when the vet came in, she spoke to us about the process, then gave her an anaesthetic injection, but 10 or 15 minutes later Twiggy was still looking around, very much awake, even the vet thought she was a fighter and had never seen a cat take so long to feel the effects of the anaesthesia.
Eventually she lay down and was still, and the vet gave her the final injection. 

It is sad to let go of our fur-babies, and I will miss them always.

At the vet looking out the low window

My thanks to Drs Aimee and Louise at the Lynwood Veterinary Clinic for their care of our 5 cats during the last 16 years.


  1. Sorry to read of the loss of such a good furry friend. She had such a distinctive face.

    1. Thank you Marcia. Yes she had a quirky face.

  2. She was such a beautiful tortie! I had a un-wilded mama tortie and her daughter, with unimaginative names of Patches and Tiny Patches. They were with me a long time. Letting go of our furrbabies is like a surgical removal of part of our lives. May your grieving be peaceful and healing as you remember those wonderful times together.

    1. Thank you Barbara. My youngest mothers were also names Mommy and Baby (as I think they were mother and daughter) just because I didn't think they would stick around as they must have belonged to someone in the neighbourhood. But they did and the names stuck.

  3. Aw, that must have been a rough day Sami. It is kind of an end of an era for you. Much sympathy.

    1. Thank you Andrew. Yes, the end of an era, not sure we will get more pets in the near future.

  4. Dizer adeus a um amigo de quatro patas é muito complicado.
    Já passei por isso, sei o que é.

    1. Obrigada Pedro. Ainda por cima tem sido 1 gato que foi por ano nos ultimos 3 anos.

  5.'s sad to loose a friend.

  6. What a sad day for you. To loose such a good friend. So you have them and then they are gone again but you get attached to them. I really feel your loss also by the nice accompanying photos. Much strength in this loss.

    1. Thank you SC. As you well know we get so attached to our lovely fur babies.

  7. Oh Sami, this just breaks my heart. Even though we know that the greatest gift we can give them is to let them go when they are ill or in pain with no real hope of moving on, it doesn't take away the deep loss you are experiencing. She's beautiful -- and was as a kitten too. Why no one took her or Shelley is beyond me -- they have the most gorgeous markings. But all the better for you. What a sweet, lovely girl she was. Sending hugs across the sea and down under to you. I'm so, so sorry.

    1. Thanks so much Jeanie. It's hard to let go, but I knew it was best for her since she was no longer eating. She had a good life and was much loved, and we always have the good memories about the funny things they did. She and Shelley were quite cute, very distinctive markings.

  8. I'm very sorry. What a dear little one.

  9. Dear Sami,
    that is very, very sad. I know how you feel - unfortunately we also had to let our beloved cats go in the last few years. Now we only have our "visiting cat" Samia, who lives a few houses away, but is our guest almost every day. We don't know yet whether we'll ever get a cat again (for now time we are planning bigger trips so it wouldn't be good for a new pet...) We miss our Maxwell and our Nina a lot (and also the former cats Mandarin and Jeronimo), but it feels good to be visited by at least one fur baby every day...
    Your cats were so beautiful! ❤️
    Feel hugged and comforted...

    1. Thank you so much Traude. They become part of the family, and like you I still think about all my other cats. Lucky you that gets a visiting cat :) I would love to get another cat, but we also want to be able to travel more as we have bought a camper trailer, so it's not a good idea at the moment.


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