Organized by 16 year old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, the "Global Strike 4 Climate Change" took place on Friday 20th, with millions of people around the world taking to the streets to protest for stronger climate change action by their Governments.
In Australia more than 200 thousand people made their voices heard across 110 towns and cities, demanding a target of net zero carbon emissions and a transition to 100% renewable energy by 2030.
I thought this sign I spotted on the bumper of a car in Sydney sometime last year was just the right sign for today - "The climate is right for a change".
I certainly do my bit for recycling, I avoid plastics, recycle paper, metals, glass, give what I no longer need to my "Buy Nothing group" or if no one wants to then donate to one of the Charity stores, and I'm the only one who has undertaken to take the printer cartridges used at work to be recycled at Office Works, all my colleagues would just throw them in the bin!
I also bring the coffee pods that we use at work, open them, use the coffee in the garden and put the tin bit in the recycling, but I don't think I would participate in a protest, just not my thing, I worry too much about protests getting violent...
And just like Iris mentions on her comments on Tom's blog (Time for John Pavlovitz), I too don't agree on kids not attending school on Friday - for Fridays for Future, also started by Greta Thunberg, for school children to join the regular climate change protests. Why not do them on Saturday or Sunday?
When I lived in Germany 30 years ago, it was already a very progressive country when it came to recycling with various bins for paper, tin or glass. Nowadays in Australia there is still a lack of recycling plants and due to that a lot of recycling material goes to landfill since China and other under-developed countries are no longer wanting to accept our rubbish.
I do think the Governments need to be reminded we are not happy with this, maybe protests are the way to do it, who knows?
Would you join climate change protests?
Or do you think there are better ways to go about it, maybe voting for a party who is more geared towards doing something for the environment would be the way?
For other signs please go over to Tom's blog.