Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Beach weather in Autumn

Perth is divided by the Swan River, and Perthites seem to make a fuss about living in the North or South of the River, as if we live in two different cities...
Well actually from the top end to the bottom end of Perth it's actually about 130km, so might as well be two different cities!!

Last Friday 28th April I met up with Grace from Perth Daily blog, at City Beach, north of the river. 
Since I live in the South and Grace in the North, it's always nice for me to go up there and see things I don't normally see. 
City Beach has had a big revamp since I was last there, probably about 1 year ago, so apart from a lovely catch up over lunch at Clancy's Fish Bar, overlooking the azure Indian Ocean, it was nice to take some photos in the area too.

With 1 month to go until the start of Winter, we are still having fabulous Autumn days, with temperatures around the 25 to 28C mark, and at City Beach there were people sunbathing and even swimming.

Gorgeous weather and the Indian Ocean at City Beach
Colourful Clancy's fish bar, City Beach

The modern sculptures - the Red Circles on the roundabout leading to the beach restaurants, the Here sign on the beach and the Ocean lace, which was first displayed at the Cottesloe Sculpture by the City in 2015 which now stands by the Clancy's Fish bar building.

On the grassy area by the beach a lot of white Corellas's were nibbling away at the grass roots. When I approached to take photos some flew to the trees. Can you see the cheeky one hanging face down?
They are regarded as a bit of a pest because they can destroy trees by chewing off the bark, and they make lots of holes in grassed areas.

If you are on the other side of the world, hope your Spring is also being generous!


  1. Guess our temps-to-be are still over at your place - 15C, cloudy, very windy here.
    Looks like an awesome place! And I found out last time, too, that fish and chips are ok (I´d prefer a Grill´d, though, shoot, mouthwatering and not available here).
    Pest ot not, awww, cute birds! Great you two had fun and wow, didn´t know it´s some 130 km the city streches!

    1. Wow, still very cold there. Yes, Perth is very long.

  2. Gosto de "Perthites"! Embora eu hoje viva perto da terra das queijadas continuo a sentir-me "alfacinha" e ainda um dia vou descobrir o porquê dos lisboetas serem alfacinhas (de gema, claro)!
    Esses espaços que mostra são magníficos!

    1. Obrigada Paula. Sim é estranho que os Lisboetas conhecidos como Alfacinhas.

  3. É tão bom Sami quando passamos do virtual ao real..
    E as fotos que aqui colocas fazem-me desejar ir até aí.
    Kis :=}

    1. Obrigada Gi. Sim, é bom conhecer as amigas virtuais. Perth é uma cidade bonita.

    2. E bai de uei (em inglês) Sami...
      Qualquer do CNS à Madeira para comermos uma espetada com bolo do caco?
      Kis :=}

  4. Goodness you are having warm temperatures for Autumn.
    I love all of your photographs.

    Here in my part of the UK, although it is Spring, the weather is still not very warm. Hoping it will be soon though!
    Our trees and garden flowers do look pretty.

    Take Care

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. We are quite lucky to have such great weather, although this Autumn has been warmer than it usually is :)

  5. You snapped lots of super shots on that day Sami, I did enjoy Clancy's, very relaxed.

    1. Thanks for lunch Grace. Yes Clancy's was lovely.

  6. Replies
    1. Obrigada Francisco. Bom fim de semana para si tambem.

  7. That IS a big city, Sami. It looks beautiful from all that I've seen of it. Really cool here in the north east. We had fleeting Spring weather but it currently feels like Winter. :(

    1. Thanks Joanne. Perth is reasonably big, about a million and a half people, but a very long city.

  8. What wouldn't I give to be in that beautiful place. The same way you are having an extended summer into the autumn we are having an extended winter into our spring. Enjoy it!

    1. Thanks Sara, a longer winter is not so good...hope Spring will come soon.


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