Sunday, 9 February 2014

Chinese New Year in Northbridge

The year of the Horse, which started on 31st of January was today celebrated by the Chinese community in Chinatown in the suburb of Northbridge.

This yearly event attracts over 50,000 people to the streets of Northbridge, where people of all ages are catered for with cultural entertainment, stalls of Asian food, arts and crafts and childrens's playground.
The festival started at 10am and closed at 9pm with a concert.
Some of the streets were closed to traffic, with over 100 stalls lining James Street.
Due to the heat, we thought it better to eat from a Chinese restaurant rather than the street food.

All in all we spent about 5 hours in Northbridge and by the time I got home I felt a bit tired due to the heat and the long hours of standing and walking around.
It was the first time I attended this event, but it was fun and enjoyable.
James Street Chinese gate (The Brass Monkey hotel in the right corner)
Chinese ladies on stilts
James street is lined with over 100 stalls

In the Northbridge Piazza, the kid's playground, the water slides were wonderful to cool off from the heat.

 My favourite Ice-cream caravan was present at this event.

The Chinese gate in Roe Street where Chinatown starts

A Chinese band plays traditional music
The WA Police Band played the bag pipes

Chinese lanterns and lots of Chinese and Asian restaurants

Old Shangai Arcade - is full of Asian restaurants

The Chinese Dragons were popular and noisy

A view over James Street taken from the 5th floor of the Roe Street Carpark


  1. Wow, awesome pics, looks like you had heaps of fun! :-) Guess next time I have to look for the Old Shangai Arcade, hmmm...

  2. Super shots Sami.. I was just exhausted, the heat and so many people, I really didn't have that much patience for some reason :)

  3. Thanks Iris and Grace - yes, it was hot, at one time we found a shade and sat down to rest, until the next Dragons came along.

  4. As fotos espelham bem o clima de festa que se viveu. Nunca assisti a uma celebração do Novo Ano Chinês, mas gostava - deve ser bem interessante.

    1. Sandra - foi a primeira vez que fui a esta celebracao, mas e algo que acontece em Perth anualmente.

  5. Que giro! Também nunca fui a nenhuma celebração do ano novo chinês, mas deve ser engraçado. Pena que estava tanto calor.

  6. Pois o calor cortou o tempo de visita a festa.


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