Monday, 24 July 2023

Monday Mural - Vhils in Aveiro

I love murals and street art. If you like murals or have a mural you'd like to post, this meme is for you.  Just follow the Linky steps below.  Once you start looking you will find murals everywhere.  The "Monday Mural" meme goes live on Monday at 12,01AM, Perth,Western Australian time. Be sure to link back to this blog and visit your fellow posters. Looking forward to your mural finds this week.

Thanks, Sami  

I spotted this mural just down the road from the old train station in the Portuguese city of Aveiro, when I visited in March this year -  at Rua (str) Dr. João de Moura.

You can check the post here and see the beautiful old station covered in blue tiles and other amazing Art Nouveau houses and monuments.

Sculpted (not really painted) by the very talented Portuguese young street artist Vhils, born Alexandre Farto in 1987.

It was done on the facade of an old building, and I spotted another mural next to it, which was now covered in scaffolding, and a new apartment block was coming up.

From the photos it appears that the old facade will stay, so hopefully Whils' mural, and maybe even the other one will stay.

Details of the brick sculpting

You might be able to spot 2 figures painted by the window at the bottom right.

The above mural by António Conceição depicts four young people on the facade of an abandoned building. The shadows create an optical illusion, and the figures appear to be walking on the wall with the onlooker having a bird’s eye view.  (photo below from the net, of what it looked like before the scaffolding)

(photo from net)

The following day we drove to Carregal do Sal, the country town where I had lived before coming to Australia, where Karina and I stayed with my cousin. Imagine my surprise when I found a Vhils limited edition plate in the entrance hall of the house! 
How about that?

This linky list is now closed.


  1. What a unique way to create a mural. He is definitely talented because I can't imagine how hard this must have been to create/sculpt. You were SO lucky to find that plate, too. Sounds like his name is getting around in Portugal and maybe even other parts of the world. These are amazing, Sami.

    1. He has a lot of murals around the world from Asia, to the USA, there's even one in Perth. Thanks Elizabeth

  2. Those are striking works of art. Thank you, Sami. Aloha

  3. Being ephemeral, subject to unexpected demolition, exposure to sun and rain, and danger from taggers — street art is vulnerable. To me this is part of its appeal. It would be sad if that fascinating mural would be destroyed, but it is also part of the whole street art reality.
    Thanks for hosting all the art! And making it just a little more lasting.
    best, mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, I think since they are keeping the building's facade that the Vhils mural will stay.

  4. ...Sami, it's nice to return back home. Thanks for hosting, enjoy your week.

    1. Always nice to visit the family. Thanks Tom

  5. I've not heard of this artist. How beautiful - even the plate. I'm off to google more!! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Lydia, he's becoming very popular.

  6. Amazing work of art by the artist.

  7. These are amazing work of art!

  8. Very clever, especially as he cannot wipe off any paint. What is chiselled away stays that way. Thanks for the reminder of the old station. It was good to see it again. I hope that plate stayed in the house when you left.

    1. I think it's probably more difficult to chisel away at the bricks than to paint over a wall, he has to be more precise, as he can't put the bits of wall back, lol. The plate stayed, I couldn't steal from my cousin, lol. They paid good money for it too!

  9. Este rapaz tem um talento incrível!
    Há aqui um mural dele no Consulado de Portugal.
    Boa semana

    1. Bastante talentoso! Tambem temos um mural dele em Perth. Um dia tem que por o mural dele Pedro.

  10. Wow, this is wonderful art! Whils sure has imagination I will never have - such a talent.
    And also the other - fascinating.

    1. Thanks Iris, he's certainly talented.

  11. Wow what a special way to picture somebody by removing plaster. Very nice.

    1. A different way to "paint" a mural indeed. Thanks SC

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks Marianne. Vhils painted this one in 2012.

  13. What a great find. His work is amazing.

  14. Sami, you found a mural with a method I have never seen before. It is very creative. Thanks for maintaining this blog where we can post the murals we find.

    1. Thank you, glad you enjoyed seeing a different type of mural :)

  15. What an interesting mural. I like it a lot but I really love the plate. What a coincidence that was to see it there.

  16. Interesting technique. Reminiscent of sgraffito.

    1. Thanks Linda, I had never heard of that technique.

  17. What a surprise and a great finds both the mural and the plate!

    1. Thanks Wren, a good surprise indeed :)

  18. Dear Sami, thank you for introducing this artist - Vhil's art is really something very special and I am very impressed!
    All the best from Austria, Traude


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