Saturday 13 August 2011

A day in the garden

After a sleep in, I woke up to a beautiful sunny day - the maximum temperature was 23ÂșC, and in just over 2 weeks we will be starting Spring.

People are already wearing shorts and T-shirts. Oh, I think they were already wearing that throughout winter, I was one of the those that had my arms and legs covered.
But today I put on my jeans and T-shirt, and after breakfast went shopping, made lunch and then went out into the garden to pick weeds.

Weeds? Yes, boring job, but unfortunately with all the rain of the past weeks they seem to have sprouted everywhere.

Our front garden is once again lovely and green after so much rain, but the weeds compete with the grass, so don´t know if there is now more weeds than grass, or vice-versa. Of course, the fact that the neighbours on either side have not cleaned their weeds does not help, as any wind will blow seeds our way!!
In Summer, on the other hand, because of the lack of water we don´t water our lawn, so our front garden is reduced to brown grass with bare patches everywhere.
I´m seriously considering removing all the grass and making some sort of native garden with lots of gravel and stones, mulch, succulent plants, cacti....
I´ve been looking at online photos for inspiration and I think it will be a lot better than wasting time picking weeds out every winter or having an ugly brown patch in summer!

In our back yard I have already planted a little patch with succulents and I really enjoy looking at it through my kitchen window.

The roses were pruned as it´s pruning time....and I picked the last 6 nectarines from our nectarine/lemon tree.

The last bunch of roses picked before pruning

Nightfall came and the wind started picking up, black clouds covered the sky, and suddenly it started to rain heavily.
I´m glad I picked those last nectarines, otherwise they would have fallen to the ground and been wasted.

It was a productive day as well a a very enjoyable day out in the "springy" weather.
For someone who never enjoyed gardening I think I´m doing well. I can´t say I have green fingers, still too many failures, but at least my succulent garden is holding up well.
Now, the veggie garden is hubby´s domain; I really don´t seem to do too well in that area, but because he is working interstate and is only home on the weekends, the veggies have been a bit neglected...

View of back yard from the sink by the kitchen window 

What do you think of my backyard view through my kitchen window?
Dishwashing with a view!!     


  1. I love container gardens! Last, year, in preparation for our Wedding we bought plants and potted them on our porch. I then spent all summer trying to keep them alive in 100F or hotter temperatures, but I did it. I was so proud. I actually hated to leave them when we moved to SA....

  2. This L area is part soil part cement, the area covered by pebbles and pots used to be where our rotary clothes line was before it thankfully broke, as I hated it in that spot where it could be seen from the kitchen window. Because it would take a lot of work to break the concrete block where it was set, I just decided to cover it with pebbles and disguise the area.


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